Archive of feed items published on the 8th of January 2009
Fish memories underestimated from UPI
Conference to Learn About Sun's Bubble in Stuff Between the Stars from Newswise - Scinews
Tech fair offers greener vision from BBC News: Science & Nature
Everest trip helps critically ill from BBC News: Science & Nature
Brain-cooling devices developed from BBC News: Science & Nature
Obama Says He Will Seek Overhaul of Retiree Spending from NY Times Health
Daschle to Face Tough Questions on Competition in Health Insurance from NY Times Health
Report Faults U.S. Measure of Cancer Risk from NY Times Health
China alert over bird flu death from BBC News: Science & Nature
Every animal counts - zoos begin their annual stock-take from BBC News: Science & Nature
Animal matters from BBC News: Science & Nature
USDA taking applications for Cattail eradication from AP Science
Panda attacks zoo visitor for third time from MSNBC: Science
Metabolic syndrome a risk for veterans with PTSD from Physorg
New tool enables powerful data analysis from Physorg
More species invasions feared for Great Lakes from Physorg
Research checker lowers quality from Science Alert
Polymer find could speed drug tests from Science Alert
Wall crumbling between televisions and computers from Physorg
Review: The Polaroid camera is back, in digital from Physorg
Environmental group backs canal for Calif. delta from Physorg
Major lab discloses problem with vitamin D testing from Physorg
USDA taking applications for Cattail eradication from Physorg
Obama's pick to lead on health care gets hearing from Physorg
Apple's Jobs takes $1 salary, but holdings suffer from Physorg
China's Lenovo to cut 11 percent of workforce from Physorg
Microsoft's Ballmer: Windows 7 is nearly final from Physorg
Ahead of the games: Test will catch sports cheats on new endurance drugs from Physorg
Hormone therapy associated with reduced colorectal cancer risk from Physorg
Chemopreventive agents in black raspberries identified from Physorg
MySpace brings online social networking to TV sets from Physorg
US to vaccinate Pacific girls against cervical cancer from Physorg
Sony debuts pocket-sized notebook computer from Physorg
Speech problems diagnosed online from Science Alert
'Wolfman' returns from BBC News: Science & Nature
Feature: Of winds and waves from Science Alert
Mummy thought to be Queen Seshestet found in Egypt from Reuters:Science
Dick Tracy Watch Had Nothing On This One! from CBSNews - Science
Norwalk virus spreading on P.E.I. from CBC: Health
Magnetic fields could reveal exoplanets from Physics World
Rare owl in Ottawa lures birders from afar from CBC: Technology & Science
India rocked by massive IT fraud, fears for economy, jobs from Physorg
Japan scientists clone legendary bull from Physorg
Dell to slash Ireland work force, shift to Poland from Physorg
Ancient explosion caught on tape from Science Alert
Spookfish Have World's Strangest Eyes from Live Science
NASA Balloon Mission Tunes in to Mystery Roar from Science Blog
Looking through Galileo's eyes
Adolescents with arthritis need more information when transitioning to adult care
Avian flu becoming more resistant to antiviral drugs
Studies examine genetic determinants of ADHD
Repeat C-section before 39 weeks raises risk of neonatal illness
Martian rock arrangement not alien handiwork
Absence of CLP protein can be indicative of oral cancer
NASA balloon mission tunes in to a cosmic radio mystery
Metabolic syndrome a risk for veterans with PTSD
To climate-change worries, add one more: Extended mercury threat
Health-care providers and patients differ on views of knee replacement
New tool enables powerful data analysis
Lost in translation
Restoring trust harder when it is broken early in relationship
Converting adult somatic cells to pluripotent stem cells using a single virus
Gene abnormality found to predict childhood leukaemia relapse
Mountaineers measure lowest human blood oxygen levels on record
Unique skeletal muscle design contributes to spine stability
Researchers discover target that could ease spinal muscular atrophy symptoms
Scientists take off on historic mission to measure greenhouse gases that have an impact on climate
First flight of algae-fuelled jet from BBC News: Science & Nature
Consumer Electronics Show kicks off with Windows 7 beta from CBC: Technology & Science
How Moon Dust Could Yield Oxygen, Fuel and Water from
Obesity Starts In The Head? Six Newly Discovered Genes For Obesity Have A Neural Effect from Science Daily
Spirituality Is Key To Kids' Happiness from Science Daily
Anti-Casimir force spotted by Harvard researchers from Science Blog
Casimir effect goes negative from Physics World
Shuttle Discovery Moves Closer to Launch After Glitches from
Hubble finds stars that go 'ballistic'
Researchers measure elusive repulsive force from quantum fluctuations
False light: Reflection from human structures leads creatures into peril
Ahead of the games: Test will catch sports cheats on new endurance drugs
Researchers estimate number of smoking deaths in China
Destroying amyloid proteins with lasers
Conference to learn about sun's bubble in stuff between the stars
Women's access to donated kidneys declines with age, particularly compared with men
Chemopreventive agents in black raspberries identified
Cost containment focus could have consequences for health care delivery
Reverse logistics helps environment, gives competitive advantage
Spookfish uses mirrors for eyes
Hormone therapy associated with reduced colorectal cancer risk
No need for youth mental health inquiry: Wiseman from CBC: Health
Shark 'Autopsy' Webcast: Science or Stunt? from Live Science
Extinct Creatures and How We Might Join Them from PopSci
California's Autism Increase Not Due To Better Counting, Diagnosis from Science Daily
Droughts And Floods: Extent Of Damage To Vegetation Depends On Sequence Of Events from Science Daily
A Life With Pain: New Study Examines The Experiences Of Older People from Science Daily
Norwegian solar company confirms purchase of UPM's N.B. mills from CBC: Technology & Science
Stars born into Milky Way’s violent centre from Physics World
Cross-Coupling Made Easy from C&EN
Decline of Carbon Dioxide-Gobbling Plankton Coincided with Ancient Global Cooling from Newswise - Scinews
Hind Wings Help Butterflies Make Swift Turns to Evade Predators from Newswise - Scinews
UT Southwestern Scientist Honored Among Best in Texas Research from Newswise - Scinews
Space Laser Spots Cataracts from Live Science
Mummy remains may be 24th century queen from MSNBC: Science
'Museum of the spider' exhibition to be opened at NMNHS
Scaling-up alone won't meet malaria goals from SciDev
They want your brains! from PopSci
"Warm Plasma Cloak" Discovered Enveloping Earth from National Geographic
Hind Wings Help Butterflies Make Swift Turns To Evade Predators, Study Finds from Science Daily
Sea Level Rise Of One Meter Within 100 Years from Science Daily
Looking Through Galileo’s Eyes from Science Daily
Chemopreventive Agents In Black Raspberries Identified from Science Daily
Maslinic acid provides a natural defense against colon cancer from Physorg
Dish Network unveils 'Slingloaded' TV recorder from Physorg
Tuning into new noise from the cosmos from
Morning Rounds: Drug Makers on the Defensive, Rising Teen Birth Rates and the Medicaid Nightmare from NY Times Health
Immune therapy helps boy with rare muscle disorder from CBC: Health
Human Record Set for Lack of Oxygen from Live Science
Speak Russian? Like Science? from Science Blog
Skeptical of the Skeptics from Science Blog
Floods to become commonplace by 2080 from Physorg
Study shows California's autism increase not due to better counting, diagnosis from Physorg
Obesity starts in the head? 6 newly discovered genes for obesity have a neural effect from Physorg
NASA: Keeping shuttle costs $3 billion yearly from AP Science
Iron-based superconductors really are different from Physics World
Migrants settled New World in tandem from
Daschle Pledges a Bipartisan Reform of Heath Care System from NY Times Health
The Caucus: Live Blog: Daschle Senate Hearings from NY Times Health
Salmonella Outbreak Sickens Hundreds from NY Times Health
Scientists Discover an Ancient Odor-Detecting Mechanism in Insects from Newswise - Scinews
Anatomy of a Serial Killer from PopSci
Fit As a Fiddle and Sharp As a Tack at 91 from Live Science
Older Women Who Are More Physically Fit Have Better Cognitive Function from Science Daily
Why Bladder Cancer Is Deadlier For Some from Science Daily
Heavy Pyridine Crystallizes Differently: Discovery May Aid Development of Pharmaceuticals from Science Daily
Recognizing Children's Successes In All Areas May Prevent Teenage Depression from Science Daily
Decline Of Carbon-dioxide-gobbling Plankton Coincided With Ancient Global Cooling from Science Daily
Nose-spray Vaccine Against Botulism Effective In First Tests from Science Daily
Adding High Doses Of Sludge To Neutralize Soil Acidity Not Advisable from Science Daily
Floods To Become Commonplace By 2080 from Science Daily
Women's Brains Recognize, Encode Smell Of Male Sexual Sweat from Science Daily
Stem Cell Troops Called To Repair The Body Using New Drug Combinations from Science Daily
Olive Skins Provide Natural Defense Against Colon Cancer, Study Suggests from Science Daily
Study shows California's autism increase not due to better counting, diagnosis from Science Blog
New Video - Five Years on Mars from
Scientists discover an ancient odor-detecting mechanism in insects from The Rockefeller University
Scientists Discover An Ancient Odor-Detecting Mechanism in Insects from Physorg
NASA: Keeping shuttle costs $3 billion yearly from Physorg
Computer puzzle may ease post-traumatic stress from Reuters:Science
Flu Found Resistant to Main Antiviral Drug from NY Times Health
Loud noise permeates cosmos, NASA says from UPI
NASA: Continued Shuttle Use Would Be Risky from CBSNews - Science
Drug may help prevent side-effects of chemo: study from CBC: Health
First Americans arrived as 2 separate migrations, according to new genetic evidence from Physorg
Northeastern Wins Multi-Million Dollar Grant to Develop Critical Infrastructure Sensing Technology from Newswise - Scinews
Ecstasy For Treatment Of Traumatic Anxiety from Science Daily
Spirituality May Help Adolescents Cope With Chronic Illness from Science Daily
Online Racial Discrimination Linked To Depression, Anxiety In Teens from Science Daily
Particulate Emission From Natural Gas Burning Home Appliances from Science Daily
Ancient Odor-detecting Mechanism In Insects Discovered from Science Daily
Findings Turn Events In Early TB Infection On Their Head, May Lead To New Therapy from Science Daily
Link Between 2 Aging Pathways In Mice Uncovered from Science Daily
First Americans Arrived As Two Separate Migrations, According To New Genetic Evidence from Science Daily
How Cheating Ants Give Themselves Away from Science Daily
Findings turn events in early TB infection on their head, may lead to new therapy from Physorg
Women's brains recognize, encode smell of male sexual sweat from Physorg
Decline of carbon-dioxide-gobbling plankton coincided with ancient global cooling from Physorg
Sequence matters in droughts and floods from Physorg
Stanford researchers uncover link between 2 aging pathways in mice from Physorg
Identification of genetic markers for ulcerative colitis could lead to treatment from Physorg
Gander hospital cancels elective surgeries from CBC: Health
Excess sunlight leads to blindness from Science Alert
Opinion: Fluoride: the mother of all band-aids from Science Alert
Gaming machines cause unhappiness from Science Alert
Male finches accept exotic mates from Science Alert
How Martian winds make rocks walk from Physorg
Looking through Galileo's eyes from Physorg
The quest for specific anti-inflammatory treatment from Physorg
Recognizing children's successes in all areas may prevent teenage depression from Physorg
Spirituality is key to kids' happiness from Physorg
Online racial discrimination linked to depression, anxiety in teens from Physorg
How cheating ants give themselves away from Physorg
Biggest Full Moon of the Year: Take 2 from Science @ NASA
Half of world's population could face serious food shortages by the end of this century
Shortening mosquito lifespan could tackle dengue from SciDev
Vitamin B12 deficiency linked to diabetes from SciDev
Texting for TB: Mobile phones and drug adherence from SciDev
Researchers control the assembly of nanobristles into helical clusters from Harvard Science
Study: Insects mistake roads for water from UPI
Mosquitoes make sweet love music from BBC News: Science & Nature
Mummy of female pharaoh uncovered from BBC News: Science & Nature
Why staying physically fit helps women stay mentally fit from CBC: Health
Spookfish Uses Mirrors for Eyes from PopSci
Winter Baby Blues from PopSci
Bug Love: Mosquitoes Sing Duet in Harmony from Live Science
Half of World's Population Could Face Climate-Induced Food Crisis by 2100 from Newswise - Scinews
Neanderthals done in by competition from MSNBC: Science
Mosquitoes match wing beats before mating from AP Science
Researchers control the assembly of nanobristles into helical clusters from Physorg
Sea level rise of 1 meter within 100 years from Physorg
Research finds older women who are more physically fit have better cognitive function from Physorg
Scientists call up stem cell troops to repair the body using new drug combinations from Physorg
Scientists uncover mechanism for dental pain from Physorg
Sirtuin shown to control gene activity from
Hormone important in recognizing familiar faces from Biology News Net
Human genomics in China from Biology News Net
Unique skeletal muscle design contributes to spine stability from Biology News Net
Study: Excessive use of antiviral drugs could aid deadly flu from Biology News Net
Doctor and Patient: In Search of a Good Doctor from NY Times Health
Seniors Mixing Prescription and O.T.C. Drugs from NY Times Health
Winter Baby Blues from PopSci
Study Reveals Why First Impressions Count from Live Science
Can Nitrogen Be Used To Combat Climate Change? from Scientific American
Tourist finds soldier's bones at Civil War site from MSNBC: Science
Panel Urges Easing of Rules on High-Tech Exports from NY Times Science
Biggest Full Moon of the Year: Take 2 from Physorg
New drug development still takes 8 years despite faster FDA review, according to Tufts CSDD from Physorg
Study to explore North-east`s 'magic mountain' from Physorg
Teasing is good for you! from Physorg
Nearly 400 sickened in US salmonella outbreak from Physorg
Why bladder cancer is deadlier for some from Physorg
Ocean treasure stored at Texas A&M's IODP repository from Physorg
Half of world's population could face climate-induced food crisis by 2100 from Physorg
Study reveals surprisingly high tolerance for racism from Physorg
Researchers discover gene that increases susceptibility to Crohn's disease from Physorg
Structure mediating spread of antibiotic resistance identified from Physorg
Landmark national study reveals significance of green practices in attractions industry from Physorg
Microscopic Fibers Coil Together from C&EN
Tuned in to new noise from the cosmos from
Salmonella outbreak hits 42 states from UPI
Rising temperatures could create global food crisis by end of century: scientists from CBC: Technology & Science
Government revenues down, traffic tickets up: U.S. study from CBC: Technology & Science
Mosquitoes match wing beats before mating from AP Health
Playing Tetris may ease post-traumatic stress from MSNBC: Science
Buzzwords Fly At Consumer Electronics Show from CBSNews - Science
Love song of the dengue vector mosquito from
CES 2009: Some Tweaks, Freaks and Slimming New Products from Physorg
Speech disorders can be treated from a distance from Physorg
Social anxiety disorder puts welfare recipients at risk for economic hardship from Physorg
First asteroids found with Earthlike crust from UPI
CES 2009: Year Of The Gimmick from CBSNews - Science
Sony wakes up CES with speech, introduces internet-connected alarm clock from CBC: Technology & Science
Role of Facebook in search for missing teen surprises RCMP from CBC: Technology & Science
Structure Mediating Spread Of Antibiotic Resistance Identified from Science Daily
Gene That Increases Susceptibility To Crohn's Disease Discovered from Science Daily
Researchers Control The Assembly Of Nanobristles Into Helical Clusters from Science Daily
Surprisingly High Tolerance For Racism Revealed from Science Daily
New Molecule In Blood-pressure Control System Discovered from Science Daily
Mechanism For Dental Pain Uncovered from Science Daily
Mortality Rates Higher For Heart Disease Patients In Poorer Neighborhoods, Study Suggests from Science Daily
Microsoft's Ballmer Headlines CES Keynotes [Slide show] from Scientific American
Mosquitoes' buzz is music to their ears from MSNBC: Science
How many meerkats? London Zoo critter count from MSNBC: Science
How Bed Bugs Outsmart the Chemicals Designed to Control Them from Physorg
Audiovox, MediaFLO to bring mobile TV to the automobile from Physorg
Court orders Swiss health insurance to pay for sex change from Physorg
Soaring or snoring? Fruit fly's immune system responds differently when asleep from Physorg
Obama team urges delay in digital TV transition from Physorg
Daschle seeks aggressive health care overhaul from Physorg
Study: Mosquitoes beat out love song before mating from Physorg
Carbon nanotube 'ink' may lead to thinner, lighter transistors and solar cells from Physorg
MIT provides in-depth look at exploded star from MIT Research
Obama Urges Delay In Digital TV Transition from CBSNews - Science
Nose-spray vaccine against botulism effective in first tests from Science Blog
Computer Game ‘Tetris’ May Help Reduce Flashbacks To Traumatic Events from Science Daily
Macbeth's Curse: Link Between Sleeplessness And Paranoia Identified from Science Daily
Half Of World's Population Could Face Climate-induced Food Crisis By 2100 from Science Daily
Mass. wants calorie counts at fast-food outlets from AP Health
Dead Exploded Star Resurrected in 3-D from
FDA backs Vytorin after finishing study review from Physorg
Mass. wants calorie counts at fast-food outlets from Physorg
Nonprofit laptop maker forced to cut staff from Physorg
Researchers identify novel regulatory mechanism in inflammatory signaling of immune cells from Physorg
For fats, longer may not be better from Physorg
Global warming studied from research jet from UPI
Reactions to racism not as strong as we think, study finds from CBC: Technology & Science
Carbon Nanotube 'Ink' May Lead to Thinner, Lighter Transistors and Solar Cells from Newswise - Scinews
Down economy may be causing more to stay up nights from Physorg
Coal ash spill reveals risks, lapses in waste regulation from Physorg
2008's top tech trends from Physorg
Free calls from Skype could come soon to iPhones from Physorg
Study finds more effective treatment for pneumonia following influenza from Physorg
Displacing petroleum-derived butanol with plants from Physorg
Microsoft secures Verizon mobile search deal from Physorg
Study: Spookfish uses mirrors for eyes from UPI
'Hobbit' fossils a new species, anthropologist says from Physorg
Trophy heads reveal secrets about ancient South American civilization from Physorg
Hind wings help butterflies make swift turns to evade predators, study finds from Biology News Net
Chemopreventive agents in black raspberries identified from Biology News Net
Decline of carbon-dioxide-gobbling plankton coincided with ancient global cooling from Biology News Net
Scientists call up stem cell troops to repair the body using new drug combinations from Biology News Net
Scientists discover an ancient odor-detecting mechanism in insects from Biology News Net
How cheating ants give themselves away from Biology News Net
Structure mediating spread of antibiotic resistance identified from Biology News Net
Tamiflu resistance on the rise from UPI
Ack, Baby Seals at CES! from PopSci
Mosquitoes Create Harmonic Love Song Before Mating from Newswise - Scinews
Test Will Catch Sports Cheats On New Endurance Drugs from Science Daily
Restoring Trust Harder When It Is Broken Early In Relationship from Science Daily
Prognostic Test for Breast Cancer May Not Detect All Tumor Types from Science Daily
How many scorpions? London Zoo does critter count from AP Science
Sandisk Unleashes World's Fastest MLC SSD Family from Physorg
Calculating the geography of crime from
TierneyLab: The Pluto Files from NY Times Science
Earliest Americans took two paths from News @ Nature
Skin cancer on the rise from News @ Nature
Temperature rises threaten global food security from News @ Nature
UPI NewsTrack Health and Science News from UPI
Obama should ease security on science, panel says from Reuters:Science
After a Brief Vacation, La Niña Is Back from Science NOW
Culture Shock May Explain Similarity Between Humans from Science NOW
Genetic Code Sees Double from Science NOW
Whence the First Americans? from Science NOW
Decline of carbon dioxide-gobbling plankton coincided with ancient global cooling from Science Blog
FDA scientists complain to Obama of 'corruption' from AP Health
How many scorpions? London Zoo does critter count from Physorg
New TV trends: Internet movies, 3-D, power saving from Physorg
Palm unveils new smart phone, operating system from Physorg
Growth of new brain cells requires 'epigenetic' switch from Physorg
Novel prostate cancer vaccine taking aim at cancer cell 'sweet spot' from Physorg
Heat will spark world food crisis from BBC News: Science & Nature
Embarrassed Hong Kong returns sturgeon gift to mainland China from BBC News: Science & Nature
Gadgets galore from BBC News: Science & Nature
Famed sci-fi author to be writer-in-residence at synchrotron from CBC: Technology & Science
Earth Scientist Emerges as Possible Replacement for NASA Chief from
Study: Pebbles can move against wind from UPI
WEEK IN PHOTOS: Chinese Mummy, Bloodletting Rite, More from National Geographic
"Renegade" Stars Tearing Across Universe, Hubble Shows from National Geographic
Monster Black Holes Spawned Early Galaxies from National Geographic
VIDEO: Mystery Pelican Die-Off in Calif. from National Geographic
New technique 'banks' wind farm energy from UPI
Alzheimer's drugs double death risk in elderly from AP Health
A never-ending dance of RNA from News @ Nature
Panel advises Obama to ease science security from MSNBC: Science
Early Caesareans Pose Risks to Newborns from NY Times Health
YouTube Generation Taps Into Net Profits from CBSNews - Science
Hydrocarbon Afterglow Reveals Reproductive Cheaters from Newswise - Scinews
This fish has the world’s strangest eyes from MSNBC: Science
Croplands May Wither as Global Warming Worsens from Scientific American
Sony's Stringer Hosts Star-Studded CES Keynote [Slide show] from Scientific American
New Tech Makes Classroom Computers a Reality Worldwide from Scientific American
Polarized light can kill animals from UPI
Early cesarean deliveries increase risks for babies, study finds from LA Times - Health
CNN's Gupta approached about surgeon general post, cable news network reports from LA Times - Health
Blue Shield to restore coverage for dropped Californians from LA Times - Health
Study touts brain stimulation for Parkinson's from LA Times - Health
The prognosis for Apple's Steve Jobs: continuing conjecture from LA Times - Health
Healthcare spending in U.S. slows from LA Times - Health
'Hormone imbalance' raises question of cancer from LA Times - Health
Foundations take active role on health policy from LA Times - Health
Apple's condition linked to Steve Jobs' health from LA Times - Health
Big, Old Mice Spread Deadly Hantavirus from Science Daily
New Insight Into Effectiveness Of Procedure To Stop Heavy Menstrual Bleeding from Science Daily
Solution To Darwin's Dilemma Of 1859 from Science Daily
Deaths From Lung Cancer Could Be Reduced By Better Policies To Control Indoor Radon, Experts Urge from Science Daily
Nerve Cells In The Brain And Spinal Cord Sense Pain Caused By Physical Insult from Science Daily