Archive of feed items published on the 13th of June 2008
China space mission to include spacewalk from UPI
Few salmon spotted on Deshka River from UPI
Google co-founder buys seat on rocket from UPI
Prison officials may free Manson family's Susan Atkins due to illness from LA Times - Health
Alaska village threatened by warming gets funding from AP Science
Space Shuttle Crew Prepares for Saturday Landing from
NASA Chooses New Spacesuit Maker for Moon Missions from
Earth from Space: Namibia’s Great White Place from European Space Agency
Lizards pull a wheelie from Physorg
US urges support for global warming fund from AP Science
1 in 8 Lower Manhattan residents had signs of PTSD 2 to 3 years after 9/11 from Physorg
New research shows how aging brain brings a healthy dose of perspective from Physorg
Pomi the robot penguin has hidden depths from Physorg
NASA: Damaged launch pad was flawed from start from Physorg
Video game sales up 37 percent to $1.12B in May from Physorg
Australian regulator signals no deal on eBay plan from Physorg
US urges support for global warming fund from Physorg
Ancient antibody molecule offers clues to how humans evolved allergies from Physorg
An unexpected link between coronavirus replication and protein secretion in infected cells from Physorg
Toothpaste too pricey for the poor from Physorg
Like a rock: New mineral named for UW astronomer from Physorg
Nuisance noise silenced by an acoustic cloak from Physorg
University of Maryland, Baltimore to participate in 2008 BIO International Convention from Newswise - Scinews
Senegal city facing sea rise threat from BBC News: Science & Nature
MD group tells cancer inquiry of systemic fatigue, strain from CBC: Health
Summer's Twilight Zones from
'Daydreaming' brain is coma clue from BBC News: Science & Nature
Seismologist: China quake had no warning signs from AP Science
Seismologist: China quake had no warning signs from Physorg
House of Lords reaching out to young with YouTube from Physorg
Astronauts to review shuttle's systems for landing from Physorg
Road pollution blamed for higher allergy risk in kids from Physorg
UN roadmap paves way for curbing biopiracy from SciDev
Maritime 'treasure trove' raised from BBC News: Science & Nature
NASA Finds New Type Of Comet Dust Mineral from Science Daily
For Hurricanes, Storms, Raindrop Size Makes All The Difference from Science Daily
Source Of Drug-tolerant Tuberculosis Possibly Behind TB Relapses, Intensity Of Treatment from Science Daily
Keeping The Seductive, Shiny Brown Surface Of Fresh Chocolate As It Ages from Science Daily
Physical Activity: Not Just A 'Walk In The Park' from Science Daily
Infections clearing at Charlottetown hospital from CBC: Health
Colorado fire threatens historic Indian sites from Reuters:Science
NASA taps Oceaneering to build spacesuits for moon from Reuters:Science
Reverse engineering the brain to model mind-body interactions from Science Blog
Main tumor can cause distant offspring from Science Blog
New Whitefly Vexes Growers from Science Blog
NASA awards contract for spacesuit of the future from Science Blog
Crater expectations: privateers chase lunar prize from European Space Agency
European Astronaut Selection: A few days left to apply! from European Space Agency
Threatened or Invasive? Species' Fates Identified from Newswise - Scinews
Another hand-raised zoo baby: It's a sloth! from MSNBC: Science
Physicists Produce Quantum-Entangled Images from Science Blog
Study sees discrepancies in VA care for men, women from AP Health
NASA concerned as object floats past shuttle, bump detected from CBC: Technology & Science
US seeks support for climate fund from BBC News: Science & Nature
Life's Raw Materials May Have Come From The Stars, Scientists Confirm from Science Daily
Threatened Or Invasive? Species' Fates Identified from Science Daily
Transfer Of Learning Traced To Areas Of The Brain from Science Daily
Even the Antarctic winter cannot protect Wilkins Ice Shelf from European Space Agency
Looking for the quantum properties of the Big Bang from Physorg
The accuracy of 10 disaster flicks from MSNBC: Science
NASA engineers inspect floating object, protrusion from Physorg
Evolving roles difficult for GPs but good for patients from Physorg
Synthetic cocoa chemical slows growth of tumors in human cell lines from Physorg
1 in 10 adults has a non-earlobe piercing from Physorg
Salmonella: Trickier than we imagined from Physorg
World-record Supercomputer Mimics Human Sight Brain Mechanisms from Science Daily
Blood Substitute's Effectiveness And Safety Addressed In Large Clinical Trial from Science Daily
Students Explore The Physics Of Fizz from Science Daily
Unexpected Finding Of Molecule's Dual Role In Mice May Open New Avenue To Cholesterol Reduction from Science Daily
Nuisance Noise Silenced By Acoustic Cloak from Science Daily
Road Pollution Blamed For Higher Allergy Risk In Kids from Science Daily
If A Tree Falls In The Forest, And No One Is Around To Hear It, Does Climate Change? from Science Daily
NASA Data Helps Pinpoint Impacted Populations In Disaster Aftermath from Science Daily
One In Eight Lower Manhattan Residents Had Signs Of PTSD Two To Three Years After 9/11 from Science Daily
Synthetic Cocoa Chemical Slows Growth Of Tumors In Human Cell Lines from Science Daily
Even The Antarctic Winter Cannot Protect Wilkins Ice Shelf from Science Daily
Tropical Forest Sustainability: A Climate Change Boon from Science Daily
One In Ten Adults In England Has A Non-earlobe Piercing from Science Daily
Unexpected Link Between Coronavirus Replication And Protein Secretion In Infected Cells from Science Daily
Williams, nurses search for common ground on contract from CBC: Health
New Canadian Dinosaur Largely Mysterious from Live Science
Decision-Making, Risk Taking Similar in Bees and Humans from Newswise - Scinews
NASA data helps pinpoint impacted populations in disaster aftermath from Physorg
Serum sodium predicts mortality 10 times higher in PAH patients from Physorg
Tropical forest sustainability: A climate change boon from Physorg
Eastern independence, Western conformity? from Physorg
Nanoparticles aid bone growth from Physorg
Precision blood pressure measurement to improve heart health from Physorg
Even the Antarctic winter cannot protect Wilkins Ice Shelf from Physorg
Radical reform is needed to stop the 'inhumane' practice of transplant tourism from Physorg
Rheumatoid arthritis is a risk factor for cardiovascular disease from Physorg
Threatened or invasive? Species' fates identified from Physorg
Drug commonly used for alcoholism curbs urges of pathological gamblers from Physorg
Less hype and more research needed into new 'superbug,' say experts from Physorg
1 patient's account of becoming a live kidney donor from Physorg
Astronauts prepare for shuttle landing Saturday from Reuters:Science
What makes an old geyser faithful? from Science Blog
Scientists: 115-year-old's brain worked perfectly from AP Science
Johns Hopkins raps AP story on lead experiment from AP Science
Johns Hopkins raps AP story on lead experiment from AP Health
Japanese gangster offered $1 million for visa that would allow liver transplant at UCLA, sources say from LA Times - Science
Scientists confirm that parts of earliest genetic material may have come from the stars from Physorg
NASA: Metal clip fell off shuttle but not problem from Physorg
Climate talks progress 'feeble' from BBC News: Science & Nature
Southern collaboration 'key to adaptation', says climate scientist from SciDev
Wealth Of Genomic Hotspots Discovered In Embryonic Stem Cells from Science Daily
What's Wrong With Selling Kidneys? from Science Daily
Oily Fish Can Protect Against Rheumatoid Arthritis, But Smoking And Psychosocial Stress Increase Its Risk from Science Daily
Nanoparticles Aid Bone Growth from Science Daily
Eastern Independence, Western Conformity? from Science Daily
UD Nets NOAA Funding to Advance Mid-Atlantic Ocean Observing from Newswise - Scinews
Scientists Discover Mutation Related to ADHD Drug Metabolism from Newswise - Scinews
Scientists See Squid Attack Squid from Live Science
Verizon to give discounts for landline-less bundles from Physorg
Johns Hopkins raps AP story on lead experiment from Physorg
Scientists: 115-year-old's brain worked perfectly from Physorg
'Elephant legs' woman set for operation in Taiwan from Physorg
Launch of satellite to track sea levels set for June 20 from Physorg
US senator pledges antitrust review of Google-Yahoo deal from Physorg
Wealth of genomic hotspots discovered in embryonic stem cells from Physorg
Shuttle crew see 'object' adrift from BBC News: Science & Nature
Dino bones discovered could be new species from MSNBC: Science
Threatened or invasive? Species' fates identified from Biology News Net
Synthetic cocoa chemical slows growth of tumors in human cell lines from Biology News Net
Even the Antarctic winter cannot protect Wilkins Ice Shelf from Biology News Net
Salmonella: Trickier than we imagined from Biology News Net
Lizards pull a wheelie from Biology News Net
UT Southwestern surgeons complete first single-incision lap-band surgery in Texas from Biology News Net
Ancient antibody molecule offers clues to how humans evolved allergies from Biology News Net
NASA Gives Shuttle The All Clear To Return from CBSNews - Science
115-Year-Old Brain Was Good As New from CBSNews - Science
Chronicling A Town's Rebirth -- In Green from CBSNews - Science
China to award blood donors 'medals for life', says WHO from Reuters:Science
Ultraviolet Gives View Inside Real ‘Death Star’ from Science Daily
Early And Intense Tornado Season Could Be Record from Science Daily
30 Percent RA Patients Refractory To Anti-TNFs Achieve Disease Remission With Tocilizumab Plus Metho from Science Daily
Specific Location Of The TRAF1/C5 Gene Associated With Multiple Autoimmune Diseases from Science Daily
Joint Distraction Promotes Structural Repair In Patients With Severe Knee Osteoarthritis from Science Daily
Facebook pulls even with MySpace from CBC: Technology & Science
No warning signs for China quake: top seismologist from CBC: Technology & Science
Why Soccer Moms and Dads Go Mad from Live Science
Jordan cave may be earliest Christian worship site from LA Times - Science
Doctor to study Manitoba Marathon's effects on runners' hearts from CBC: Health
Healthier food possible in hospital cafeteria, if customers buy it from CBC: Health
Ecotourism in Belize is Damaging Environmentally Sensitive Sites from Newswise - Scinews
Plants Can Make Golf Courses Greener by Filtering Pesticides from Newswise - Scinews
Study: Life's Raw Material Came from Space from
US bishops reject embryonic stem cell research from Physorg
Training helps bloggers hone professionalism from Physorg
Sharp to Introduce World's Largest 108-Inch LCD Monitor for Commercial Applications from Physorg
Chemists Create Cancer-Detecting Nanoparticles from Physorg
Overcoming Drug Resistance—Nanoparticles Trigger Built-In Cell-Death Signal from Physorg
Weight gain in children has no association with sugar-sweetened beverage consumption from Physorg
Ancient mineral shows early Earth climate tough on continents from Physorg
Microchip sets low-power record with extreme sleep mode from Physorg
Computers as safe as medical experts for prescribing blood thinning drugs from Physorg
NASA Completes Review Milestone for Ares I First Stage from Physorg
Ultraviolet gives view inside real 'death star' from Physorg
Introducing the Spacesuit of the Future from Physorg
China biggest CO2 emitter last year: Dutch agency from Physorg
Growing use of nanomaterials spurs research to investigate possible downsides from Physorg
Outsourcing jobs leaves the American white-collar worker behind from Physorg
Scientists: 115-year-old's brain worked perfectly from MSNBC: Science
Is Digital Nature as Soothing as the Real Deal? from PopSci
Ethanol-gas mix may lead to poor mileage from UPI
Dead zone to expand from LA Times - Science
Bishops condemn stem cell research from Reuters:Science
Endangered turtle eggs found on island from UPI
PHOTO IN THE NEWS: Rare Sea Dragon Father "Pregnant" from National Geographic
Vast Peat Fire May Burn for Months in North Carolina from National Geographic
"Methuselah" Tree Grew From 2,000-Year-Old Seed from National Geographic
Supernova "Shock Breakout" Seen From Red Giant -- A 1st from National Geographic
PHOTO IN THE NEWS: "Unicorn" Deer Seen in Italy from National Geographic
Kenya Lion Killings Spur Extinction Alarm, Innovations from National Geographic
"Artistic" Spiders Trap Prey With Light, Study Finds from National Geographic
VIDEO: "Unicorn" Roams Italy Park from National Geographic
THEN and NOW: Africa Satellite Images Show Stark Changes from National Geographic
VIDEO: Uruguay Spill Killing Wildlife from National Geographic
Human Ancestors Shuffled Before Walking, Study Says from National Geographic
Pigeons Show Superior Cognitive Abilities To Three Year Old Humans from Science Daily
Dingo Urine Offers Humane Solution To Kangaroo Cull from Science Daily
New tree from old seeds doing well from UPI
Quake jeopardizes endangered pandas from UPI
Foot cancer on rise from UPI
Potential new weapon against TB: free cell minutes from AP Health
Potential new weapon against TB: free cell minutes from Physorg
Syphilis Bacteria Study Yields Valuable Diagnostic Tool from Science Daily
Warm spring reported from AP Science
NASA examines 'bump' on Discovery rudder from UPI
UPI NewsTrack Health and Science News from UPI
Williams attacks cancer commissioner's 'disdain' during testimony from CBC: Health
Environmental Catch-22?: Mending Ozone Hole May Worsen Climate Change [News] from Scientific American
Chile volcano eruption regains strength from Physorg
Emory study of syphilis bacteria yields valuable diagnostic tool from Physorg
Confirmed: Earliest genetic material may have come from the stars from Science Blog
Pa. helmet law repeal means more injuries from UPI
Phoenix Gets Close-up Look at Mars Dirt from
Restaurant chain linked to 9 cases of tomato-borne salmonella from LA Times - Science
Restaurant chain linked to 9 cases of tomato-borne salmonella from LA Times - Health
Ancient Mineral Shows Early Earth Climate Tough On Continents from Science Daily
Decision-Making, Risk-Taking Similar In Bees And Humans from Science Daily
Mathematics and gravitation theory from Science Blog
Though no West Nile cases to date, precautions should be taken: microbiologist from CBC: Health
Microchip Sets Low-power Record with Extreme Sleep Mode from Newswise - Scinews
Ancient Mineral Shows Early Earth Climate Tough on Continents from Newswise - Scinews
A sound theory? from News @ Nature
WEEK IN PHOTOS: "Flying" Fighters, U.K. Dolphins, More from National Geographic
"Oldest Church" Discovery "Ridiculous," Critics Say from National Geographic
Bringing Space Down to Earth With Toilets and Toys from
Bumper stickers reveal link to road rage from News @ Nature
NASA's Phoenix Mars Lander Inspects Delivered Soil Samples from NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory
Microchip sets low-power record with extreme sleep mode from Science Blog
Website launched to debunk claims about Obama and wife from CBC: Technology & Science
Google grows stronger in Microsoft-Yahoo fallout from Physorg
NASA Clears Space Shuttle Discovery for Landing from
Microchip Sets Low-power Record With Extreme Sleep Mode from Science Daily
Eight-day Undersea Mission Begins Experiment To Improve Coral Reef Restoration from Science Daily
Explorers find 1780 British warship in Lake Ontario from AP Science
Flooding from a weather rut of clashing air masses from AP Science
1780 British warship found in Lake Ontario from MSNBC: Science
Copyright bill protests surge online from CBC: Technology & Science
International scientific team in Yukon for ice-age mammal clues from CBC: Technology & Science
News Bytes of the Week Tres Haute Fashion: Astronauts Get New Duds [News] from Scientific American
Recumbent bicycles high on comfort, gawkers from LA Times - Health
Met Office improves flood alerts from BBC News: Science & Nature
What does gay look like? Science keeps trying to figure that out from LA Times - Health
How to choose the best recumbent bicycle for you from LA Times - Health
Contaminated food, dry drowning: Getting a grip on summer hazards from LA Times - Health
Add bunk beds, golf carts to summer's risks from LA Times - Health
FDA to study Lasik's long-term effects on lifestyle from LA Times - Health
Lasik surgery: choosing a doctor, what to consider from LA Times - Health
Over-the-counter chelation agents are unproven, risky from LA Times - Health
The sailor in twilight from LA Times - Health
Number of underinsured people grows in 2007 from LA Times - Health
British warship found in Lake Ontario from UPI
Strange lights over Texas from LA Times - Science