Archive of feed items published on the 3rd of October 2008
Penguins on Brazil's sunny beaches? from MSNBC: Science
Navy confirms lost WWII sub has been found from AP Science
Big fossil found in paleontologist's yard post-Ike from AP Science
The 'knot' so astonishing research honoured with Ig Nobel Prizes from BBC News: Science & Nature
Space tech helps to reach long-jump world record from European Space Agency
New twist in brain obesity riddle from BBC News: Science & Nature
The brain creates illusions and superstitions at times of stress from BBC News: Science & Nature
New Sony Reader has light, note-taking stylus from Physorg
Bee swarms follow high-speed 'streaker' bees to find a new nest from Physorg
Should companies with unhealthy products be regulated to protect health? from Physorg
Researchers reveal Epstein-Barr virus protein contributes to cancer from Physorg
Reason for sickness absence can predict employee deaths from Physorg
Researchers identify genes associated with increased gout risk from Physorg
Decline in Alaskan sea otters affects bald eagles' diet from Physorg
Remains found in Fossett's plane from BBC News: Science & Nature
Malawi joins Africa-wide science and development survey from SciDev
Strippers, armadillos inspire Ig Nobel winners from Physorg
Big fossil found in paleontologist's yard post-Ike from Physorg
Navy confirms lost WWII sub has been found from Physorg
Astronaut's diary goes on display in Jerusalem from AP Science
Nokia's unlimited music service on sale Oct 16 in Britain from Physorg
Dim But Visible: Seeking out Uranus from
Dim But Visible: Seeking out Uranus from Live Science
World of Warcraft Video Game Succeeds in School from Live Science
Greens welcome new climate dept from BBC News: Science & Nature
Arctic sea ice annual freeze-up underway from European Space Agency
Piping plovers have hard year on P.E.I. from CBC: Technology & Science
Tearful manager rebukes politicians at cancer inquiry from CBC: Health
UT Southwestern Selected as Study Center for National Children's Study from Newswise - Scinews
Moths with a Nose for Learning from Newswise - Scinews
Models of Eel Cells Suggest Electrifying Possibilities from Newswise - Scinews
Safer Buildings Are Goal of New Code Changes Based on Recommendations from NIST World Trade Center Investigation from Newswise - Scinews
Baked Slug: New Method to Test Fireproofing Material from Newswise - Scinews
New Sensor Could Help Avert Pipeline Failures from Newswise - Scinews
Gut Reaction: Digestion Revealed in 3-D from Live Science
Grief: The Price of Love from Live Science
Singing to females makes male birds' brains happy from Science Blog
Bee Swarms Follow High-speed 'Streaker' Bees To Find A New Nest from Science Daily
Pollution Makes Oceans Noisier from Live Science
Bacteria Think Ahead from Live Science
ATV: the next step from European Space Agency
Decline In Alaskan Sea Otters Affects Bald Eagles' Diet from Science Daily
Ottawa committee says no to backyard wind turbine from CBC: Technology & Science
Survey confirms parents' fears, confusion over autism from Physorg
So-called 'sandfish' could help materials handling and process technology specialists from Physorg
Singing to females makes male birds' brains happy from Physorg
Sunken WWII Sub Found from Live Science
CERN unveils computer grid linking 7,000 scientists from Reuters:Science
Nanowire technology could make LCDs brighter, thinner, and cheaper from Physorg
Seed bank 'running out of funds' from BBC News: Science & Nature
US science agencies see budgets dip from Chemistry World
Nanotube catalysts improve industrial reaction from Chemistry World
Which came first, the nanotube or the egg? from Chemistry World
Sugar-powered electronics from Chemistry World
Number of penguins in Brazil on the rise from UPI
Making metabolism more inefficient can reduce obesity from Physorg
Chemical Industry Begins To Feel Wall Street Woes from C&EN
2008 Ig Nobel Prizes from C&EN
Taking A Bite Out Of Mercury Trade from C&EN
Pfizer, GSK Reshape Research And Development from C&EN
Why your boss is white, middle-class and a show-off from Physorg
Research investment failing mental health from Physorg
First glimpse of a key DNA repair protein at work from Physorg
Researchers propose minocycline as a promising drug for patients with Fragile X syndrome from Physorg
Obese diners choose convenience and overeating at Chinese buffets from Physorg
Egalitarian revolution in the Pleistocene? from Physorg
Rare insect found safe on beach from BBC News: Science & Nature
Mammoth fossil found in Ike-ravaged yard from MSNBC: Science
WEEK IN PHOTOS: Lion Rides Horse, Knife in Head, More from National Geographic
VIDEO: Battling Bee-Killing Parasite from National Geographic
Arctic sea ice annual freeze-up underway from Physorg
Combined minimally invasive procedures offer new option for lumbar degenerative scoliosis from Physorg
SNM releases new fact sheet on breast cancer and molecular imaging from Physorg
SNM releases new fact sheet on breast cancer and molecular imaging from Physorg
SNM releases new fact sheet on breast cancer and molecular imaging from Physorg
Researchers find household insecurity associated with food insecurity, poor health from Physorg
Helping kids eat better: Colorful guide shows parents how to make wiser food choices from Physorg
Gene expression in alligators suggests birds have 'thumbs' from Physorg
Medical student gender and self-confidence from Physorg
Discovery of a type of aerosols from Sahara which will be useful to study climate change from Physorg
Strippers, Armadillos Inspire Ig Nobel Winners from Live Science
Chicken soup for stressed-out pandas from MSNBC: Science
Investigation needed into E. coli warning delay: hospital president from CBC: Health
Space tech helps to reach long-jump world record from Physorg
HPV DNA test 'promising' for cervical cancer from SciDev
Rich and Poor Have Same Economic Views from Live Science
THE ROUNDUP: Science and Nature News Around the Web from National Geographic
Israeli Astronaut's Diary Goes on Display in Jerusalem from
Californians have much higher levels of flame-retardant PBDE in their blood from LA Times - Science
Newsweek: Predicting the Nobel Prizes from MSNBC: Science
Venezuela orders one million laptops for schoolchildren from SciDev
Scientists solve fluid puzzle from Physics World
More Bad News About Plastics from PopSci
Hurricane leaves dirty water behind from UPI
Obese choose speed, convenience at buffet from UPI
Outer Solar System Not as Crowded as Astronomers Thought from Physorg
Traits produced by melanin may signal the bearer's capacity to combat free radicals from Physorg
Artificial Cells: Models Of Eel Cells Suggest Electrifying Possibilities from Science Daily
Why Does Lederhosen Conquer The Oktoberfest In Munich? from Science Daily
Second Lumpectomy For Breast Cancer Reduces Survival Rates from Science Daily
Small Fly Has Receptor For Painful Heat from Science Daily
Whether Combat Or Peacekeeping, PTSD Impacts Veterans' Well-being from Science Daily
Don't Stress! Bacterial Cell's 'Crisis Command Center' Revealed from Science Daily
Epstein-Barr Virus Protein Contributes To Cancer from Science Daily
Anabolic Steroids Provide A Competitive Edge In Power Lifting Years After Doping Has Ended from Science Daily
Beta-blockers Reduce Mortality In Patients With COPD After Vascular Surgery from Science Daily
Smoking Increases Depression In Women, Australian Study Reveals from Science Daily
Arctic Sea Ice Annual Freeze-up Underway from Science Daily
Peer-to-peer networking takes internet out of the equation from Physorg
An 'electric' future for Formula 1 gearboxes? from Physorg
Treating malnutrition proves a sticky business from SciDev
Lord Drayson takes science brief from BBC News: Science & Nature
CERN computer grid links 7,000 scientists from MSNBC: Science
Astronaut's diary goes on display in Jerusalem from Physorg
Researcher investigates ancient geology to understand human development, climate change from Physorg
World's biggest computing grid launched from Physorg
Chemical 'orienteering': how accurately can cells follow a chemical trail to find their way around? from Physorg
Brilliantly bright light source is one step closer to reality, says scientist from Physorg
Gene expression in alligators suggests birds have 'thumbs' from Science Blog
What Does the Vice President Do, Anyway? from Live Science
Beaked whales from BBC News: Science & Nature
Leading Psychiatrist Failed to Report Drug Income from NY Times Health
Consults: What's the Healthiest Diet of All? from NY Times Health
Recipes for Health: Tuna Risotto from NY Times Health
Personal Best: Before Hustling to Finish, Relaxed Is a Good Way to Start from NY Times Health
California to Cover Cost of Screening for H.I.V. from NY Times Health
More Candy From China, Tainted, Is in U.S. from NY Times Health
Skin Deep: Buying Face Cream? Grab a Glossary from NY Times Health
Loss of control fuels rituals, superstition: study from CBC: Technology & Science
Which grass is greener to power the bioenergy era? from Physorg
Nutritionists show what beans are worth from Physorg
Live to run, run to work: For some commuters, the rubber that meets the road is the soles of their running shoes from Physorg
NIST/CSM Sensor Could Help Avert Pipeline Failures from Physorg
US online health companies merge to take on WebMD from Physorg
Electric vehicles spark at Paris car show from Physorg
Vietnam finds tainted products from China from Physorg
Mammoth Tooth Fossil Found in Ike-ravaged Yard from Live Science
Inevitable union from BBC News: Science & Nature
Scientists working on space elevator from UPI
Gas From the Past Gives Scientists New Insights into Climate and the Oceans from Physorg
New Organic Catalyst Should Improve Drug Development, Lower Costs from Physorg
NASA Selects Science Teams for Astrobiology Institute from Physorg
Sale of cough, cold medicines for children under 6 reviewed from CBC: Health
Captive-bred rhinos freed in Kenya from UPI
Calming your thoughts through mindfulness from Physorg
Labor report indicates squeeze on tech sector from Physorg
Soy foods aid bone density from Physorg
Sick leave 'link to early death' from BBC News: Science & Nature
Conservation group disputes Alberta's 'stable' grizzly bear numbers from CBC: Technology & Science
Ontario's chief coroner commits to new complaints system from CBC: Health
N.B. nurses give thumbs-down to contract with province from CBC: Health
Hull hospital operating rooms to close for at least 1 week from CBC: Health
HIV dates back to around 1900, study shows from LA Times - Health
NASA Moves Up November Shuttle Launch from
Virtual dogfight from BBC News: Science & Nature
Employee sick leave may predict mortality from UPI
RIM CEO: AT&T still testing delayed BlackBerry from Physorg
Viewers will receive greatest benefit in presidential town hall debate from Physorg
Google launches blog tracking service from Physorg
Switch that controls food intake found from UPI
Technology elite use Internet to fight TB from Physorg
Apple denies Jobs heart attack rumour from CBC: Technology & Science
Long sick leaves may signal early death risk: study from CBC: Health
Strippers, Coke Inspire Sci-Prize Winners from CBSNews - Science
Gas From The Past Gives Scientists New Insights Into Climate And The Oceans from Science Daily
Traits Produced By Melanin May Signal The Bearer's Capacity To Combat Free Radicals from Science Daily
Space Tech Prosthetic Leg Helps To Reach Long-jump World Record from Science Daily
Gene Expression In Alligators Suggests Birds Have 'Thumbs' from Science Daily
Singing To Females Makes Male Birds' Brains Happy from Science Daily
Smart Slime, Ovulating Strippers Among 2008 Ig Nobels from National Geographic
Can I Have My SSN Back? from PopSci
Malamine found in Blue Cat Flavor Drink from UPI
Identifying the dripping taps of climate change from News @ Nature
UK government to announce biosecurity plans from News @ Nature
Ig Nobels Honor Studies of Lap Dancing, Soft Drink-Based Contraception from Science NOW
Wind Turbines Don't Make Birds Fly the Coop from Science NOW
UPI NewsTrack Health and Science News from UPI
An Ig Nobel diary from News @ Nature
Comet Capture Capsule Goes On Display from
Newly Identified Cells Make Fat from Science Daily
Effects Of Disclosing Financial Interests On Participation In Medical Research from Science Daily
Discovery Of Natural Compounds That Could Slow Blood Vessel Growth from Science Daily
Viewers Will Receive Greatest Benefit In Presidential Town Hall Debate from Science Daily
Growing Role Of Molecular Diagnostics from Science Daily
Newly Identified Cells Make Fat from Newswise - Scinews
Recipes for Health: Tuna Tapenade from NY Times Health
Californians have much higher levels of flame-retardant PBDE in their blood from LA Times - Health
2008 Ig Nobel Prizes honor research on stripper fertility and Coca-Cola as spermicide from LA Times - Science
Navy Confirms Sunken Submarine Is Grunion from Science Daily
Smoking And Solid Fuel Use In Homes In China Projected To Cause Millions Of Deaths from Science Daily
Turning Freshwater Farm Ponds Into Crab Farms from Science Daily
Probing Human Mind And Future Infrastructure Systems from Science Daily
Last refuge for life remained after extinction from MSNBC: Science
Cosmic Log: What's that in Apollos? from MSNBC: Science
Blind Calgary baby travelling overseas for stem cell therapy from CBC: Health
Diary Survives 37-Mile Fall To Earth from CBSNews - Science
Help red squirrels, public urged from BBC News: Science & Nature
Meteorites From Inner Solar System Match Up To Earth's Platinum Standard from Science Daily
Making Metabolism More Inefficient Can Reduce Obesity from Science Daily
Scientists Design A Chip To Measure The Wind On Mars from Science Daily
Parents Still Fear Autism Could Be Linked To Vaccines, Poll Shows from Science Daily
Study On Properties Of Carbon Nanotubes, Water Could Have Wide-ranging Implications from Science Daily
Where You Live Matters When You're Seriously Ill: Three U.S. States Earn 'A' Grade, Three An 'F' from Science Daily
Researchers Propose Minocycline As A Promising Drug For Patients With Fragile X Syndrome from Science Daily
World's Biggest Computing Grid Launched from Science Daily
Should Companies With Unhealthy Products Be Regulated To Protect Health? from Science Daily
DNA Of Good Bacteria Drives Intestinal Response To Infection from Science Daily
Tiny Dust Particles From Sahara Could Help Scientists Study Climate Change from Science Daily
Female Medical Students Underestimate Their Abilities And Males Tend To Overestimate Theirs from Science Daily
Verifying ADHD supplements' effectiveness is still several studies away from LA Times - Health
Acid reflux disease hits Americans hard from LA Times - Health
For many rape victims, treatment and support services fall short from LA Times - Health
Cardio exercise that multi-tasks from LA Times - Health
Sport utility bikes: a comparison from LA Times - Health
'Grey's Anatomy' premiere injects science fiction into the ER from LA Times - Health
Will a wife's breast cancer lead to husband's infidelity? from LA Times - Health
Lowering cholesterol without statin drugs from LA Times - Health
Low-glycemic diet is a benefit from LA Times - Health
Rabid Iraqi dog arrives in US; warning issued from AP Health
Sea ice in Arctic begins refreezing from UPI
Experts: Better plan needed for biofuels from UPI
FDA: No amount of melamine safe in formula from UPI
Brazil air force p-p-picks up hundreds of lost penguins from BBC News: Science & Nature