Latest science news in Astronomy & Space

NASA Spacecraft Sees Apollo 11 Moon Landing Site 45 Years Later (Video)

9 years ago from

What does the site of the first moon-landing look like 45 years later? A NASA probe orbiting the moon has recently beamed back new images of what Apollo 11's Tranquility...

Private Cygnus Spaceship Delivers NASA Cargo to Space Station

9 years ago from

A commercial Cygnus spacecraft built by Orbital Sciences Corporation arrived at the International Space Station on Wednesday, July 16, to deliver 1.5 tons of supplies for astronauts aboard.

Orbiting a Solar Twin | Space Wallpaper

9 years ago from Live Science

This space wallpaper is an artist's illustration showing one of three newly discovered planets in the star cluster Messier 67. Image released Jan. 15, 2014.

'Unforgettable' star Poppy Montgomery pregnant with third child

9 years ago from UPI

Annie MartinNEW YORK, July 10 (UPI) -- "Unforgettable" star Poppy Montgomery announced she is six months pregnant with her third child Wednesday on "The Late Show with David Letterman."

Romanian company overhauls MiG-21 jets

9 years ago from UPI

Richard TomkinsBACAU, Romania, July 9 (UPI) -- MiG jets of the Mozambique Air Force have been modernized in Romania.

Earth's magnetic field weakening 10 times faster

9 years ago from CBSNews - Science

It may be a sign that the Earth's magnetic poles are getting ready to flip, which hasn't happened in hundreds of thousands of years

Satellite launch company FireFly aims to lighten costs

9 years ago from Physorg

( —Satellite launch company FireFly Space Systems, with locations in Austin, Texas and Hawthorne, California, founded early this year, is on a mission: Cut the costs for lighter loads...

Cosmic-Ray Hotspot Discovered, Offering Clues on Deep Space Mystery

9 years ago from National Geographic

A powerful telescope may have found clues to the origin of ultra-high-energy particles that bombard the Earth.

Off By 400 Percent: Where Is All Of The Ultraviolet Light Coming From?

9 years ago from

Olber's Paradox asks why the sky is not a sheet of white. Since just the galaxy we are in has 50 stars for every person currently on earth traveling to...

Astronomers bring the third dimension to a doomed star’s outburst

9 years ago from Science Blog

In the middle of the 19th century, the massive binary […]

Solar Ultraviolet Radiation In South America Highest Ever Measured

9 years ago from

Researchers have measured the highest level of ultraviolet radiation ever recorded on the Earth's surface. These extraordinary UV fluxes, observed in the Bolivian Andes only 1,500 miles from the equator,...

Stretching forces shaped Jupiter moon's surface, laboratory model suggests

9 years ago from Science Daily

Processes that shaped the ridges and troughs on the surface of Jupiter's icy moon Ganymede are likely similar to tectonic processes seen on Earth, according to a team of researchers....

Cosmic Ray Quest: How Huge Telescope Array Works

9 years ago from Live Science

In a 300-square-mile (777 square kilometers) patch of desert west of Delta, Utah, hundreds of astronomical eyes have spent the last five years watching the heavens, looking for supercharged particles...

How Wet is Earth’s Soil? Moisture Maps from Space | Video

9 years ago from

NASA's Aquarius mission, whose main mission is ocean salinity measurement, has been multitasked to deliver soil observations. It shows how seasons and weather change the moisture in the first 2...

Transatlantic signal to Europe from group in N.L. sets record

9 years ago from CBC: Technology & Science

A group of amateur radio enthusiasts set a new record on Monday when they sent a radio signal across the Atlantic ocean from Newfoundland to Europe.

Biggest solar farm in Western Canada under construction in B.C.

9 years ago from CBC: Technology & Science

Construction on SunMine, the biggest solar farm west of Ontario, was officially started Monday, as part of a $5.3M project to make use of a contaminated mine site in Kimberley,...

Neoguri’s eye

9 years ago from European Space Agency

Human spaceflight and operations image of the week: Super typhoon Neoguri’s 65 km-wide eye seen from the International Space Station

Hong Kong races upgraded, get big purse increases

9 years ago from UPI

Robert Kieckhefer, UPI Racing Writer Horse racing: Four Hong Kong races upgraded to International Group 1; all 10 HK Group 1 races get big purse increases.

Ringed planet dances in raw Cassini images

9 years ago from Physorg

We space people are very lucky to get glimpses of Saturn (and other planets!) regularly through the raw images feature on a few spacecraft websites. This allows anyone to get...

Area on Mars reveals a surface modified by water over much of planet's history

9 years ago from Physorg

A new geologic map of part of the ancient Martian highlands produced by Scott C. Mest and David A. Crown of the Planetary Science Institute provides new insights into the...

Two ‘Goldilocks planets’ that might support life are proven false

9 years ago from Science Blog

Mysteries about controversial signals coming from a dwarf star considered […]

First H.E.S.S. II data reveal promising pulsar signal

9 years ago from Physorg

Following the intensive commissioning phase of the largest Cherenkov telescope worldwide (H.E.S.S. CT5), the H.E.S.S. collaboration has announced the detection of cosmic gamma rays of 30 gigaelectronvolts (GeV). The High...

Scientists discover radio emissions from fireballs

9 years ago from Physorg

( —Streaking across the sky at more than 50 kilometers per second at atmospheric heights of more than a 90 kilometers high, researchers using the first station of University of...

Era of astronomical discovery

9 years ago from Physorg

For much of her professional life, MIT professor Nergis Mavalvala has been devoted to a singular goal: creating a device to detect gravitational waves. These ripples in the fabric of...

Image: Windswept valleys in Northern Africa

9 years ago from Physorg

Expedition 40 Flight Engineer Alexander Gerst of the European Space Agency posted this photograph of windswept valleys in Northern Africa, taken from the International Space Station, to social media on...

How much water and air sustains the Earth?

9 years ago from Science Alert

This amazing graphic reveals the incredibly delicate balance that maintains the Earth as the only known habitable planet in the universe.

Creepy Crawly | Space Wallpaper

9 years ago from Live Science

This new Hubble image shows a cosmic creepy-crawly known as the Tarantula Nebula in infrared light. This region is full of star clusters, glowing gas, and thick dark dust. Image...

Observatory: Earthlike Planets May Be Merely an Illusion

9 years ago from NY Times Science

Researchers have found that Gliese 581g and its presumed neighbor, Gliese 581d, don’t exist. They were simply illusions created by the star they supposedly orbited.