Latest science news in Astronomy & Space

Giant Electromagnet Moves to Permanent Home at Fermilab

9 years ago from Live Science

A giant but delicate electromagnet has finally moved into its new home in Illinois, a year after completing a cautious voyage from New York over land and sea.

Celestis Sends Your Dead Pets into Space

9 years ago from MSNBC: Science

Want to say goodbye to your pet in style? Blast it into space on a rocket.

Hubble sees ancient galaxy that acts as enormous magnifying glass

9 years ago from LA Times - Science

It was a dumbfounding discovery. Using Hubble telescope data, a scientist spotted a "lensing" galaxy that was enormous, extremely distant and acting as a magnifying glass to another ancient galaxy...

Siberian crater mystery may be solved

9 years ago from

Thawing permafrost probably burped a ground-breaking methane bubble that ripped the huge hole in the Yamal peninsula.

Oxygen-creating instrument selected to fly on the upcoming Mars 2020 mission

9 years ago from Physorg

Whenever the first NASA astronauts arrive on Mars, they will likely have MIT to thank for the oxygen they breathe—and for the oxygen needed to burn rocket fuel that will...

SHERLOC to micro-map Mars minerals and carbon rings

9 years ago from Physorg

( —An ultraviolet-light instrument on the robotic arm of NASA's Mars 2020 rover will use two types of ultraviolet-light spectroscopy, plus a versatile camera, to help meet the mission's ambitious...

NuSTAR celebrates two years of science in space

9 years ago from Physorg

( —NASA's Nuclear Spectroscopic Telescope Array, or NuSTAR, a premier black-hole hunter among other talents, has finished up its two-year prime mission, and will be moving onto its next phase,...

Fermi satellite detects gamma-rays from exploding novae: Surprising discovery dispels long-held idea

9 years ago from Science Daily

Astronomers have discover very high energy gamma rays being emitted by an exploding star. The surprising discovery dispels the long-held idea that classical nova explosions are not powerful enough to...

Asteroid impacts significantly altered ancient Earth

9 years ago from Science Daily

New research shows that more than four billion years ago, the surface of Earth was heavily reprocessed as a result of giant asteroid impacts. A new model based on existing...

Groundbreaking research maps cultural history by mapping mobility of notable intellectuals

9 years ago from Science Daily

New research presents a pioneering approach to understanding European and North American cultural history by mapping out the mobility patterns of notable intellectuals over a 2,000-year span.

NASA's Mars 2020 rover gets tools to search for signs of past life

9 years ago from LA Times - Science

It’s official: The Mars 2020 rover’s instruments have been chosen, and they include a super-laser and stereo vision!

UPI Horse Racing Roundup

9 years ago from UPI

Robert Kieckhefer, UPI Racing Writer Del Mar and Saratoga hit full stride in weekend racing as several horses turn in nice comeback efforts from England to California.

3.9M tune in for 'Sharknado 2' premiere on Syfy Wednesday night

9 years ago from UPI

Karen ButlerNEW YORK, July 31 (UPI) -- About 3.9 million viewers tuned in for Wednesday night's premiere of "Sharknado 2: The Second One," Syfy announced Thursday.

Cygnus and the Summer Triangle - August 2014 Constellation Skywatch | Video

9 years ago from

The constellation of Cygnus flies high in the night sky with a multitude of targets. The brightest star, Altair, in the Aquila constellation is one of the 3 stars that...

Weird Supernova May Blow Away Star Explosion Theories

9 years ago from

Light from a radioactive metal forged inside a supernova blast could prompt a rethink of how some star explosions occur. See the latest discovery from the supernova SN 2014J.

Numerous unknown jets from young stars and planetary nebulae discovered

9 years ago from Science Daily

Preliminary research findings have identified hundreds of so far unknown jets from young stars, as well as numerous new planetary nebulae in the Galactic Plane.

Fossils could be discovered on the moon: Signs of ancient life may be littered across the moon

9 years ago from Science Daily

Physicists have tested what would happen if a piece of rock containing microscopic fossils from Earth was launched into space and hit the surface of the moon. The team turned...

Alan Alda, Carol Burnett, Martin Sheen to appear in 'Love Letters' on Broadway

9 years ago from UPI

Karen ButlerNEW YORK, July 31 (UPI) -- Alan Alda, Carol Burnett, Martin Sheen and Candice Bergen have joined the rotating cast of the first Broadway revival of A.R. Gurney's "Love...

Mila Kunis, Ashton Kutcher to wed in July 2015

9 years ago from UPI

Annie MartinLOS ANGELES, July 31 (UPI) -- Mila Kunis and Ashton Kutcher will reportedly marry next July, and the wedding will be "elaborate" but not "a big production."

When looking for aliens, try finding their pollution

9 years ago from

Future telescopes may discover civilized aliens by detecting the industrial pollutants called fluorinated gases in exoplanet atmospheres.

White Dwarf + Red Giant = Thermonuclear Explosion | Animation

9 years ago from

The Fermi Gamma-Ray Space Telescope detected a flash-blast emanating from white dwarf star V407 Cyg as the stellar wind of its red giant companion impinges, like spraying lighter fluid at...

Month in Space: Photos Show Cosmic Joys and Sorrows

9 years ago from MSNBC: Science

Get long-distance views of the cosmos and our glorious Earth, as well as cosmic perspectives on our planet's tragedies.

Dust In Your Eye? Particulate Matter Seen from Space

9 years ago from Live Science

A recent map of fine atmospheric particles called aerosols reveals how fires and dust can inject particles high into the atmosphere.

Jennifer Aniston surprised by Justin Theroux during photo shoot

9 years ago from UPI

Veronica LinaresBEVERLY HILLS , Calif., July 31 (UPI) -- Jennifer Aniston reportedly "squealed" with excitement after realizing that her fiance Justin Theroux traveled to California to surprise her on Tuesday.

Tracking complex reactions in space and time

9 years ago from Chemistry World

Scientific measurements taken with seemingly non-scientific equipment

Who is the 'Woman in Black' roaming U.S. highways?

9 years ago from UPI

Matt BradwellWINCHESTER, Va., July 31 (UPI) -- A woman dressed in all black has captured the imagination of highway travelers as she walked from Alabama to northern Virginia, where she...

Exploring Mars in low Earth orbit

9 years ago from Physorg

In their quest to understand life's potential beyond Earth, astrobiologists study how organisms might survive in numerous environments, from the surface of Mars to the ice-covered oceans of Jupiter's moon,...

NASA Prepping Mars Probes, Rovers for Close Comet Flyby

9 years ago from

NASA's Mars Atmosphere and Volatile EvolutioN mission (MAVEN) is closing in on the Red Planet. At the same time, an interloper, comet Siding Spring, is also approaching.