Latest science news in Mathematics & Economics

ORNL Supercomputer Simulation Wins Prize for Fastest-Running Science Application

15 years ago from Newswise - Scinews

A team led by Thomas Schulthess of the U.S. Department of Energy's Oak Ridge National Laboratory received the prestigious 2008 Association for Computing Machinery Gordon Bell Prize Thursday after attaining...

A first in online gaming: Humans team up with AI software

15 years ago from Physorg

Hey, online gamers, artificial intelligence researchers need your help! As part of an international team of researchers, Northwestern University has officially released the first online game in which human players...

Early warning of dangerous asteroids and comets

15 years ago from MIT Research

Silicon chips developed at MIT Lincoln Laboratory are at the heart of a new survey telescope that will soon provide a more than fivefold improvement in scientists' ability to detect...

Feature: The Ten Commitments

15 years ago from Science Alert

Faced with a growing catalogue of environmental priorities and having seen little real progress on solutions, a group of Australia’s most eminent ecological scientists decided to take matters into their...

Music As Noise: When The Fortissimo Causes One's Ears To Ring

15 years ago from Science Daily

"Music is always noise-related - and often not appreciated", the German poet and humorist Wilhelm Busch once mocked. Even though the subject involving beauty is a matter of taste, the...

Africa's first communications satellite fails

15 years ago from SciDev

Nigeria's communications satellite has broken down, dashing hopes of digital outreach to rural communities.

Green at the heart of Panasonic's bid for Sanyo

15 years ago from Physorg

(AP) -- Panasonic Corp.'s plans to take over rival Sanyo Electric Co. would create the world's second-largest electronics maker. But Panasonic already has plenty of gadgets. Instead, the crown...

German Wikipedia back online after dispute

15 years ago from Physorg

(AP) -- The German-language version of the Internet encyclopedia Wikipedia is back online after a left-wing lawmaker dropped a complaint.

Africa trade bust 'biggest ever'

15 years ago from BBC News: Science & Nature

Five African countries co-operating with Interpol have arrested dozens of illegal traders and seized a tonne of ivory products.

Democratic Party control could ban mandatory arbitration, UI expert says

15 years ago from Physorg

Democratic Party control in Washington could restore lawsuits as an option for workers and consumers now forced to settle disputes through mandatory arbitration that gives employers and businesses an unfair...

Online retailer eBay opens data to taxman

15 years ago from CBC: Technology & Science

As more Canadians buy and sell online, retailer eBay Canada says it expects to disclose information on its so-called "power sellers" to Canada Revenue Agency this week.

Hulu will catch YouTube in drawing ads next year: analyst

15 years ago from CBC: Technology & Science

YouTube's much smaller rival Hulu is expected to pull even with its rival in terms of advertising revenue next year, which analysts say could pronounce Google Inc.'s purchase of the...

A quicker, easier way to make coal cleaner

15 years ago from MIT Research

Construction of new coal-fired power plants in the United States is in danger of coming to a standstill. MIT analysis suggests an intermediate step that could get construction moving again.

I'm sticking with my brand: Loyal customers perceive competitor ads differently

15 years ago from Physorg

What does it take for marketers to reach customers who are already loyal to a particular brand? A new study in the Journal of Consumer Research examines brand loyalty and...

Obama May Have To Quit Blackberry Habit

15 years ago from CBSNews - Science

Before he ran for president Barack Obama quit smoking. Now that he's won the job, he may have to break another addiction: Checking his BlackBerry for e-mail.

Digital piracy management

15 years ago from

A new approach to preventing digital piracy of music and video content that sidesteps the need for the privacy compromise associated with DRM (digital rights management) is reported in the...

Study names IBM as the most innovative company in Poland

15 years ago from

IBM Poland has been named 'The most innovative company in Poland' by Manager Magazin's Image Profile ranking for the innovative practices and solutions it offers to Polish clients...

Glowing report for explosive detection

15 years ago from Chemistry World

Israeli scientists have developed a sensitive method for detecting an explosive used by terrorists.

Online shopping jumped to $12.8B in 2007: StatsCan

15 years ago from CBC: Technology & Science

More Canadians are shopping online, with sales in 2007 rising to $12.8 billion, according to a Statistics Canada report released Monday.

Stolen IDs Peddled In Murky Chatrooms

15 years ago from CBSNews - Science

Thieves put millions up for bid online each year. Susan Koeppen gave Early Show viewers a peek at one such chatroom as she described the extent of the problem.

'$100 laptop' group reboots Give One Get One offer

15 years ago from Physorg

(AP) -- The One Laptop Per Child project is set to resume its Give One Get One promotion for its kid-friendly computers Monday with logistics help from Web retailer...

Online startup aims to improve patent quality

15 years ago from Physorg

(AP) -- A new startup company wants to have a say in the high-stakes patent disputes that loom over many industries.

Wired ... but frustrated

15 years ago from Physorg

Need help setting up that home computer or Internet connection? Frustrated by that new cell phone? You're not alone. A survey released on Sunday found that nearly half of Americans...

India's Infosys brushes off Obama outsourcing worries

15 years ago from Physorg

Infosys Technologies, India's second-largest software firm, brushed off concerns Monday that the election of Barack Obama as US president could mean a drop in outsourcing work.

Law professor fires back at song-swapping lawsuits

15 years ago from Physorg

(AP) -- The music industry's courtroom campaign against people who share songs online is coming under counterattack. A Harvard Law School professor has launched a constitutional assault against a...

Fires losses may prompt tougher building codes for mobile homes

15 years ago from LA Times - Science

Schwarzenegger calls for review of building standards; state officials are already at work on the issue. He also questions hospitals' emergency backup power plans. ...

India Celebrates Planting Its Flag On Moon

15 years ago from

NEW DELHI (AP) - India rejoiced Saturday at joining an elite club by planting its flag on the moon.

Birthmark Consultations Offer Answers, and Maybe Normalcy

15 years ago from NY Times Health

A conference sponsored by the Vascular Birthmarks Foundation and the Vascular Birthmark Institute of New York offered free consultations to patients with abnormal birthmarks.