
Friday th 2nd of November 2012

Mendeley platform reveals global science reading trends - 13:40

Lack of science capacity 'threatens Africa's development' - 13:40

Intercropping 'boosts maize yields by 50 per cent' - 13:40

Foresight studies: shaping the future for food security - 13:01

Nepal faces shortage of young scientists - 03:30

Thursday th 1st of November 2012

In Perspective: The World Academy of Sciences - 13:20

Indonesia's fisheries most 'vulnerable to collapse' - 12:50

Pakistan’s novel open access instrumentation - 02:40

Wednesday th 31st of October 2012

Lethal Salmonella strain targets HIV positive Africans - 13:01

Rifts emerge over why Arabian cyclones are strengthening - 13:01

Scientists on trial: Lessons for disaster preparedness - 13:01

National database could raise Benin's science profile - 11:40

Science academies' role in development: presidents reveal it all - 11:01

Tuesday th 30th of October 2012

Lethal Salmonella strain targets HIV positive Africans - 12:50

Mexico: Scientists call on government to support S&T - 10:50

New strategy aims to control HIV replication - 10:20

Monday th 29th of October 2012

South-East Asia blazing a trail on research collaboration - 13:20

African health research network gets cash injection - 12:40

Qatar renews focus on development-orientated research - 12:40

Asia–Pacific Analysis: Solving the water dilemma - 08:40

Friday th 26th of October 2012

Climate change mitigation 'far cheaper than inaction' - 11:40

Biodiversity protection needs community input - 09:50

Cook Islanders grow sustainable food using 'aquaponics' - 06:50

Thursday th 25th of October 2012

Earthquake aftershock forecasting 'must be improved' - 12:00

Arabic translations of science need a quality boost - 05:40

Wednesday th 24th of October 2012

First virtual science newsroom launched - 13:00

Science journalism network for East Africa launched - 11:01

Tuesday th 23rd of October 2012

Latin America ‘lacks health policy research’ - 21:50

Women 'under-represented' in emerging nations' S&T - 12:00

Gulf states to discuss closer political union - 12:00

The rise of African science journalism - 11:20

Monday th 22nd of October 2012

Study finds high levels of depression in Haitians - 12:30

Committee advises halt to Indian Bt crop trials - 11:50

Gender gap in agriculture 'must be addressed' - 11:50

Biodiversity meeting calls for more science-based information - 11:50

Committee recommends halt to Indian Bt crop trials - 11:10

India expands its biodiversity databases - 05:50

Friday th 19th of October 2012

Academies launch universal guide to curb misconduct - 12:30

Projects aim to boost child brain development - 12:00

Cheap weapon against the coral-killer starfish found - 12:00

Brazilian seaside registers high coral reef loss - 11:20

Mali's locust mitigation capacity undermined by conflict - 09:30

'REDD+ actions can have varying impacts' - 00:00

Thursday th 18th of October 2012

African farmers could soon grow virus-resistant cassava - 12:02

Biomed Analysis: The social side of vaccine effectiveness - 12:01

R&D funding needed to sustain the decline of TB deaths - 10:50

Wednesday th 17th of October 2012

Climate change awareness in Africa and Asia 'varies greatly' - 12:00

Himalayan glaciers debate: melting or growing? - 11:20

Study finds success factors for open-source drug discovery - 11:20

Acting on disaster warnings: Don't miss the human factor - 07:30