NY Times Science

Sunday th 30th of April 2017

As Rising Seas Erode Shorelines, Tasmania Shows What Can Be Lost - 13:22

What Is the Antiquities Act and Why Does President Trump Want to Change It? - 13:22

Renée Fleming and Joshua Bell to Unite for Science - 13:22

Leonard Reiffel, Who Studied Lunar Nuclear Bomb, Dies at 89 - 13:22

Op-Ed Contributor: Sowing Climate Doubt Among Schoolteachers - 13:22

A Very Hungry Caterpillar Eats Plastic Bags, Researchers Say - 13:22

Gary Steigman, Who Teased Out the Universe’s Dark Secrets, Dies at 76 - 13:22

Dr. Joseph Lifschutz, Who Asserted Confidentiality Right for Therapists, Dies at 92 - 13:22

Court Gives Trump Small Victory in Push Against Clean Power Plan - 13:22

Most New York City Schools Had High Lead Levels, Retests Find - 13:22

100 Days: The Making of a Legacy: First Steps in the Trump Era - 13:22

Climate March Draws Thousands of Protesters Alarmed by Trump’s Environmental Agenda - 13:22

Basics: As Rains Ease in the West, Cactuses Shine Brighter Than Ever - 13:22

Matter: Humans Lived in North America 130,000 Years Ago, Study Claims - 13:22

Ancient Horse DNA Shows Scythian Warriors Were Adept Domesticators - 13:22

Mass Die-Off of Whales in Atlantic Is Being Investigated - 13:21

No Bones About It: Scientists Recover Ancient DNA From Cave Dirt - 13:21

Trilobites: If Mars Is Colonized, We May Not Need to Ship In the Bricks - 13:21

Trilobites: 6 Bots That Deliver Science and Serendipity on Twitter - 13:21

Hunting Mushrooms, and What Makes Some Glow in the Dark - 13:21

Sunday th 23rd of April 2017

Climate Change Reroutes a Yukon River in a Geological Instant - 13:22

Q&A: Avian Housing Wars: Competition for Nesting Spots - 13:22

Out There: ‘Genius’ Unravels the Mysteries of Einstein’s Universe - 13:22

Take a Number: Ranks of Scientists Aging Faster Than Other Workers - 13:22

Scientists and Activists Look Beyond the March for Science - 13:22

The Climate Issue: Is It O.K. to Tinker With the Environment to Fight Climate Change? - 13:22

The Climate Issue: When Rising Seas Transform Risk Into Certainty - 13:22

Dinner With a Dung Beetle - 13:21

Trilobites: This Is a Giant Shipworm. You May Wish It Had Stayed In Its Tube. - 13:21

The Climate Issue: How a Warming Planet Drives Human Migration - 13:21

Trilobites: Broke a Glass? Someday You Might 3-D-Print a New One - 13:21

Trillions of Plastic Bits, Swept Up by Current, Are Littering Arctic Waters - 13:21

Asteroid Misses Earth Narrowly, by Cosmic Standards - 13:21

The Climate Issue: Why the Menace of Mosquitoes Will Only Get Worse - 13:21

Q. and A.: Big Birder: Noah Strycker on Where to Spot Rare Species - 13:21

Robert Sadoff, Psychiatrist Who Assessed Murder Defendants, Dies at 81 - 13:21

Op-Ed Contributor: A Lesson From the Henrietta Lacks Story: Science Needs Your Cells - 13:21

The Planet Can’t Stand This Presidency - 13:21

Meet Three Scientists Ready to March - 13:21

DNA Tests, and Sometimes Surprising Results - 13:21

‘I Dreamed of Africa’ Author and Conservationist Is Shot in Kenya - 13:21

A New Exoplanet May Be Most Promising Yet in Search for Life - 13:21

Matter: Why Are Some Mice (and People) Monogamous? A Study Points to Genes - 13:21

ScienceTake: No Oxygen? The Naked Mole Rat Might Not Care - 13:21

Trilobites: What Moves Gravel-Size Gypsum Crystals Around the Desert? - 13:21

Out There: Cassini’s Grand Finale: A Dive Between Saturn and Its Rings - 13:21

Pictures From the March for Science - 13:21

Scientists, Feeling Under Siege, March Against Trump Policies - 13:21

Sunday th 16th of April 2017

Trilobites: Valiant in Battle, These Ants Rescue Their Wounded - 13:11

Carry-On: What Bill Nye Can’t Travel Without - 13:11