National Geographic

Wednesday th 11th of November 2015

Here's Why There's Still Not a Human on Mars - 12:20

Opinion: Killing Thousands of Flying Foxes Only Hurts the Environment - 11:20

A Race to Save Ancient Human Secrets in Borneo - 10:50

Big Illegal Market For Little Critters - 07:22

Cougars May Spread to U.S. Midwest Within Decades - 07:22

Tuesday th 10th of November 2015

Largest Object in Asteroid Belt May Have Come From Elsewhere - 15:00

What Will Energy Look Like in 2040? 4 Things to Know - 09:00

From Trees to Tigers, Case Shows Cost of Illegal Logging - 08:00

Monday th 9th of November 2015

This Week’s Night Sky: Andromeda Time Machine - 17:20

Does SeaWorld’s Announcement Signal End to Captive Orcas? - 17:20

Floating Mountains on Pluto—You Can't Make This Stuff Up - 17:20

"UFO Clouds" Are Real. Here's How They Happen - 13:20

Ancient "Fire Frog" Among Odd New Amphibians Found in Brazil - 11:50

12 Nat Geo Stories That Exposed Wildlife Exploitation - 10:20

Pioneer in Satellite Archaeology Wins Million-Dollar Prize - 09:20

This Man is Walking Across Antarctica All By Himself - 07:50

A Typically Bland Meteor Shower Might Shine Extra Bright This Week - 04:34

Watch a Goliath Grouper Drag a Fisherman and Take His Catch - 04:34

Photos: Indonesia’s Rampant Fires Threaten Rare Orangutans - 04:34

133 Years Later, Gaudí’s Cathedral Nears Completion - 04:34

How the Trans-Pacific Partnership Will—and Won’t—Protect Wildlife - 04:34

7 Things You Always Wanted to Know About Spacewalks - 04:34

Half of Weather Disasters Linked to Climate Change - 04:34

This Spider Destroys Female Genitalia to Prevent Future Mating - 04:34

At National Geographic: A New Push to Protect Wildlife - 04:34

Week’s Best Space Pictures: Mars' Ancient River System - 04:34

How Will Robots and Smart Gadgets Transform Energy? You Ask, We Answer - 04:34

Infrared Scans Show Possible Hidden Chamber in King Tut’s Tomb - 04:34

Will Obama’s ‘No’ on Keystone Curtail Canada’s Oil Boom? - 04:34

How Technology in Our Bodies Will Make Us 'More Than Human' - 04:34

Before Hotline Bling: 12 Photos of Phones Through the Years - 04:34

Shades of Prey: Can Color-blind Predators See Warning Colors? - 04:34

Is The United States Prepared For A Massive Cyberattack? - 04:34

And the Oscar of Science Goes To … - 04:34

Wednesday th 4th of November 2015

This Odd-Nosed Antelope Is Experiencing a Mass Die-Off - 12:01

The Hunt for Vulcan, the Planet That Wasn’t There - 12:01

Tuesday th 3rd of November 2015

El Niño Paints the World's Driest Place with Color - 18:30

What Antarctica’s Incredible “Growing” Icepack Really Means - 16:30

Stunned Archaeologists Find 22 Ancient Greek Shipwrecks - 08:01

Monday th 2nd of November 2015

These Satellite Views of Ancient Earthworks Are Stirring Debate - 18:30

This Week’s Night Sky: Planets and Moon Meet Up - 13:00

Did This Spanish Shipwreck Change the Course of History? - 08:30

These 13 U.S. States Saw Carbon Pollution Go Up - 08:30

Sunday th 1st of November 2015

This Book Drives a Wooden Stake Into The Mythology of Bats - 08:10

Saturday th 31st of October 2015

Science Guy Bill Nye Explores How We Mourn a Changing Climate - 16:00

15 Spooky Houses for Halloween - 06:50

What Was on the T. Rex Menu? Sometimes Each Other - 06:50

Isopod Got Your Tongue? Naturally Tongueless Animals - 06:50

Friday th 30th of October 2015

How China’s One-Child Policy Backfired Disastrously - 16:00

Pictures Give Raw Look at South Pole of Saturn Moon - 13:30