National Geographic

Thursday th 14th of January 2016

Photographers Capture the Gap Between the Rich and the Poor - 08:01

Wednesday th 13th of January 2016

Excavation of Ancient Lost City Yields New Finds - 14:38

Stone Tools Point to Mysterious Neighbor of Flores ‘Hobbit’ - 13:55

Excavation of Ancient Lost City Yields New Finds - 12:36

South Africa an Outlier on Ivory Policies - 11:36

Hong Kong to Shut Down Legal Ivory Trade - 11:36

How Many Cells Are in the Human Body—And How Many Microbes? - 10:35

The World Is Hemorrhaging Methane, and Now We Can See Where - 09:04

Tuesday th 12th of January 2016

Archaeologists Begin Excavation of Honduran “Lost City” - 15:47

Think You Know the Red Planet? Watch This. - 10:04

These Praying Mantises Wear Tiny 3-D Glasses—For Science - 08:01

How Illegal Weapons Fuel Poaching—and Poaching Fuels the Illegal Weapons Trade - 08:01

Monday th 11th of January 2016

Ringling Will Retire Circus Elephants Two Years Earlier Than Planned - 17:00

This Week’s Night Sky: Distant Giants Pose With the Moon - 16:04

Watch an Explosive Eruption Boil a Hawaiian Lava Lake - 15:04

See What Life Is Like for Refugees Above the Arctic Circle - 13:08

This Battery Won’t Make Cars or ‘Hoverboards’ Catch Fire - 10:33

Monster-Sized Marine Crocodile Discovered - 00:32

Sunday th 10th of January 2016

How Trafficking a Rare Fish Threatens an Even Rarer Porpoise - 18:00

Crime Blotter: Rhino Horn, Panther Skins, and More - 07:20

War is Unavoidable—and Other Hard Lessons from Homer’s Iliad - 07:20

Saturday th 9th of January 2016

How Your Pet Can Influence Your Love Life - 08:00

The Cold Never Bothered Me Anyway: 15 Snapshots of Snowy Sports - 08:00

Friday th 8th of January 2016

Tracing the Deep Roots of the Oregon Occupation - 20:51

NASA Confirms 100 New Alien Planets - 16:01

Healthy Diet Helps 183-Year-Old Tortoise Feel Young Again - 16:00

Lost Whaling Ships Discovered in Arctic Thanks to Global Warming - 14:31

New Protections For World’s Largest Population of Giant Manta Rays - 12:31

Week’s Best Space Pictures: Erupting Superstar Gets Siblings - 10:00

Batman Envy? Cool New Cars Could Drive Themselves, and Talk - 08:17

The Incredible Dr. Pol on Why He Became a Vet - 08:16

Why Shutting Down China’s Ivory Trade Won’t Be Easy - 07:42

Insiders Recount Efforts to Save North Face Founder - 02:11

After Paris, 3 Reasons the World Could Bid Adieu to Fossil Fuels - 02:10

Top 10 Weirdest Animal Stories of 2015—Editors’ Picks - 02:10

This Week’s Night Sky: Meteors, Comet, and a Snow Globe - 02:10

Toxic Algae Causing Brain Damage, Memory Loss in Sea Lions - 02:10

See the Rigors of War Dog Training - 02:09

Space Rocks Delivered One-Two Punch to Ancient Earth - 02:09

Chinese Researchers Explore How to Implement Ivory Ban - 02:08

Pandas Have More Babies if They Can Pick Their Mates - 02:08

These Mountain Goats Fly Through the Air—For Science - 02:07

Will Global Warming Heat Us Beyond Our Physical Limits? - 02:07

This Canadian Island Is Losing Ground But Not Losing Hope - 02:07

As Sea Levels Rise, Are Coastal Nuclear Plants Ready? - 02:06

Muslim Council Issues Fatwa Against Poaching - 02:06

This Giant Salamander Isn't 200 Years Old, But It's Still Super Rare - 02:05

There’s a New Tallest Peak in the North American Arctic - 02:04

Can Tasmanian Devils Beat Cancer of the Face? - 02:04

How Arctic Fish Might Benefit From Shrinking Ice - 02:03