European Space Agency

Thursday th 16th of July 2015

MSG-4 liftoff - 02:30

Wednesday th 15th of July 2015

MSG-4 liftoff - 18:00

Europe’s MSG-4 weather satellite delivered into orbit - 18:00

MSG-4 liftoff - 17:30

X-ray specs - 10:30

Boundary conditions - 08:30

Tuesday th 14th of July 2015

Watch MSG-4 launch - 09:30

iriss ground control - 07:30

MSG-4 launch timeline - 05:00

Europe advances with safer air travel - 03:30

Monday th 13th of July 2015

Preparing for launch - 08:30

Rosetta: preparing for perihelion - 07:30

Here comes the Sun - 04:00

Robots under test for oil and gas rig duty - 02:00

Friday th 10th of July 2015

Week In Images - 10:20

Central Algeria - 03:20

Thursday th 9th of July 2015

iriss for kids - 10:00

ESA in UK - 09:00

Chameleon satellite to revolutionise telecom market - 09:00

Cutting through martian history - 04:30

ESA teams ready for Europe’s next weather satellite - 03:30

Wednesday th 8th of July 2015

Reentry rockers - 10:30

Tuesday th 7th of July 2015

Station Moon transit - 08:00

Monday th 6th of July 2015

Share the Sun - 10:20

Astronomers use cosmic gravity to create a ‘black-hole-scope’ - 10:20

Luca Parmitano: this year’s Captain NEEMO - 08:20

Europa’s blood-red scars - 05:30

Friday th 3rd of July 2015

Week In Images - 08:30

Counting stars with Gaia - 04:30

Northwest Sardinia - 03:30

Wednesday th 1st of July 2015

Comet sinkholes generate jets - 12:30

Ice mountains - 05:00

My first day at ESA - 04:00

Director General - 03:00

Tuesday th 30th of June 2015

Surrounded by Gaia - 10:30

Increasingly active comet - 09:00

Helping Europe prepare for asteroid risk - 09:00

Speak to Peake - 07:30

Life on Mars? - 07:30

Expert asteroid answers - 05:30

Bang goes an asteroid - 04:30

Telescopes focus on target of ESA’s asteroid mission - 04:30

Monday th 29th of June 2015

Speak to Peake - 05:30

First ‘colour vision’ - 05:00

Sentinel-2 delivers first images - 05:00

Friday th 26th of June 2015

The info on iriss - 12:00

Sentinel-2A completes critical first days in space - 10:00

Week In Images - 09:10

Central California - 03:30

Thursday th 25th of June 2015

Monster black hole wakes up after 26 years - 08:31