European Space Agency

Tuesday th 7th of June 2016

Paving the way - 06:00

LISA Pathfinder exceeds expectations - 05:30

Kunsthaus Museum - 05:00

Monday th 6th of June 2016

Mysterious microwaves - 10:10

Air conditioning goes green - 07:50

Monitoring pipelines from space - 03:30

Friday th 3rd of June 2016

Week In Images - 08:21

Southern Maine - 03:50

Thursday th 2nd of June 2016

Space Station tour - 10:01

LISA Pathfinder results - 06:30

Journey into sound - 06:30

Wednesday th 1st of June 2016

First EDRS laser image - 10:21

Mapping that sinking feeling - 06:30

Tuesday th 31st of May 2016

Fort McMurray fires - 08:30

Space Station Mercury - 07:30

Monday th 30th of May 2016

Born in a golden cloak - 09:31

Asteroid touchdown - 08:10

ESA at ILA 2016 - 03:00

Friday th 27th of May 2016

Rosetta’s comet contains ingredients for life - 13:31

Couture in orbit - 08:30

Week In Images - 08:00

ESA at ILA 2016 - 08:00

Chile's salt flat - 03:31

Thursday th 26th of May 2016

Couture in orbit catwalk - 10:30

Satcoms is changing lives in South African rural schools - 08:30

Sentinel-1 helping Cyclone Roanu relief - 08:30

Mars triptych - 05:30

Wednesday th 25th of May 2016

Asteroid lander on show - 10:20

Mars Webcam goes pro - 09:20

Space approach to cyber challenge - 03:20

Tuesday th 24th of May 2016

Space fashion - 15:21

And yet it moves: 14 Galileo satellites now in orbit - 08:40

Galileo launch coverage - 04:50

Galileo liftoff replay - 04:20

Monday th 23rd of May 2016

Little fox’s starry heart - 17:25

Are mystery Mars plumes caused by space weather? - 17:25

Putting new energy into fashion - 17:25

Friday th 20th of May 2016

Watch Galileo launch - 09:31

Week In Images - 09:01

Sentinel-1A spots potential oil slick from missing EgyptAir plane - 07:10

Mission control ready for next Galileo pair - 04:20

Rub’ al Khali Desert - 03:20

Thursday th 19th of May 2016

Sun glitter reveals coastal waves - 09:21

German Chanellor at ESA - 07:20

Joint team - 04:21

Wednesday th 18th of May 2016

Alexander Gerst to be Space Station commander - 09:20

African mosaic - 08:00

Model arrival at Mars - 07:30

Galileo rising - 07:30

Tuesday th 17th of May 2016

Spacewalk to catwalk - 10:30