Archive of articles published on the 3rd of August 2016
Tropical Storm Earl forms in Caribbean Sea
SwRI space scientists observe Io's atmospheric collapse during eclipse
'Red gene' in birds and turtles suggests dinosaurs had bird-like color vision
Discovery of male-harming DNA mutation reinforces 'mother's curse' hypothesis
Study provides a new method to measure the energy of a lightning strike
One of the most common viruses in humans may promote breast cancer development
Mayo researchers identify breast microbiome/bacterial differences between healthy and cancerous tissue
Detecting blood alcohol content with an electronic skin patch
UM research: Mountain environments more vulnerable to climate change than previously reported
FIGHT study proves type-2 diabetes therapy ineffective in the treatment of high-risk heart failure patients
Drug does not improve outcomes for patients with advanced heart failure
Making nail polish while powering fuel cells
Reach in and touch objects in videos
Rich bugs revealed: Homes in wealthier neighborhoods host a greater diversity of insects
Hospitals that send the most heart patients to the ICU get the worst results, study finds
NASA sees tropical storm Howard weakening
Team led by SF State astronomer catalogs most likely 'second-Earth' candidates
Early snowmelt reduces forests' atmospheric CO2 uptake, decreases streamflow volume
Recycling carbon dioxide: U of T researchers reduce climate-warming CO2 to building blocks for fuels
Do eco-friendly wines taste better?
Study of Israelis & Palestinians rethinks how HDL protects against coronary heart disease
Imaging study shows link between inflammatory biomarkers and increased heart disease in men with HIV
Routinely measured lipids show contrasting associations with risk of coronary artery disease, diabetes
University of Toronto chemists create vitamin-driven battery
Why parents are the new 'heroes' in policing young drivers
Perpetual 'ice water': Stable solid-liquid state revealed in nanoparticles
Researchers discover Sandman's role in sleep control
Next generation anode to improve lithium-ion batteries
Contagion in popular places: From Zika to political extremism
Crystallization frustration predicts metallic glass formation
Paving the way toward novel strong, conductive materials
Carbon nanotube 'stitches' make stronger, lighter composites
Programmable ions set the stage for general-purpose quantum computers
'Second skin' protects soldiers from biological and chemical agents
Foraging strategies of smallest seals revealed in first ever satellite tracking study
Trading farmland for nitrogen protection
UCLA astronomers make first accurate measurement of oxygen in distant galaxy
Desert elephants pass on knowledge -- not mutations -- to survive
Discovery sheds light on new strategy to treat some instances of preterm labor
Pregnancy procedure associated with increased risk of preterm birth and neonatal loss
Surgical stitch linked to stillbirth and preterm birth
ORNL optimizes formula for cadmium-tellurium solar cells
Discovery: Mantis shrimp use UV color spots, chemical cues to size up opponents
Tiny high-performance solar cells turn power generation sideways
New microfluidic chip replicates muscle-nerve connection
Growing up on an Amish farm protects children against asthma by reprogramming immune cells