Archive of articles published on the 10th of August 2016
Working and volunteering could reduce disablement in seniors, study finds
Alternative insurance expansions under ACA linked to better access, use of care
Medicaid expansion under ACA linked with better health care for low-income adults
Volunteering later in life can enhance mental health and wellbeing
Volunteering in middle age and senior years linked to enhanced mental health
NREL technique leads to improved perovskite solar cells
Researchers have developed a new class of artificial proteins
Researchers immobilize underwater bubbles
Study finds Medicaid expansion did not increase emergency department use
Study highlights serious security threat to many internet users
Simulating complex catalysts key to making cheap, powerful fuel cells
Satellite sees remnants of Tropical Depression Javier
NASA sees wind shear relax in Tropical Storm Conson
Towards a better screen
Methane-filled canyons line Titan's surface, study finds
Specialized life forms abound at Arctic methane seeps
Tailored AFM probes created via 3-D direct laser writing
Tailored probes for atomic force microscopes
Toward clothes that fix their own rips (video)
Crude oil causes heart and skull deformities in haddock
With droughts and downpours, climate change feeds Chesapeake Bay algal blooms
Researchers find that Android apps can secretly track users' whereabouts
Engineering a better biofuel
User-friendly language for programming efficient simulations
Total number of neurons -- not enlarged prefrontal region -- hallmark of human brain
New analysis shows threats to 8K Red List species