Archive of articles published on the 5th of July 2016
Be wary of knotweed advice on the web, researchers warn
UT Southwestern study finds sensing mechanism in food poisoning bug
York chemists lead breakthrough in carbon capture
To these flies, cicada sounds are like love songs
New discovery could better predict how semiconductors weather abuse
First fossil facial tumour discovered in a dwarf duck-billed dinosaur from Transylvania
Bouncing droplets remove contaminants like pogo jumpers
Warming pulses in ancient climate record link volcanoes, asteroid impact and dinosaur-killing mass
The story of how a touch screen helped a paralyzed chimp walk again
California droughts caused mainly by changes in wind, not moisture
Engineers design programmable RNA vaccines
New plastic material begins to oscillate spontaneously in sunlight
Characteristics improving bean resistance to drought identified
Tropical Storm Agatha creates July 4th weekend fireworks in Eastern Pacific
NASA analyzes first hurricane of the Eastern Pacific season
New Chinese leaf-roller weevil does not know how to roll leaves
NASA's Aqua satellite scans powerful Typhoon Nepartak
Mammals diversified only after dinosaur extinction left space
ORNL scientists isolate, culture elusive Yellowstone microbe
Researchers tally huge number of venomous fishes, tout potential for medical therapies
Ostrich relative lived in North America 50 million years ago
Researchers determine fundamental limits of invisibility cloaks
Lush Venus? Searing Earth? It could have happened
Camouflage artists, in color
Weird pupils let octopuses see their colorful gardens