Archive of articles published on the 24th of May 2016
New Joint European Cardiovascular Prevention Guidelines launched today
1 in 4 patients develop heart failure within 4 years of first heart attack
Can legumes solve environmental issues?
Light can 'heal' defects in new solar cell materials
Rutgers scientists help create world's largest coral gene database
Study documents African monkeys eating bats
Why vocal fry?
Early armored dino from Texas lacked cousin's club-tail weapon, but had a nose for danger
Hubble finds clues to the birth of supermassive black holes
Revealing the nature of magnetic interactions in manganese oxide
Barium leaches directly from fracked rocks, Dartmouth team finds
Great apes communicate cooperatively
Single-step hydrogen peroxide production could be cleaner, more efficient
Mucus may play vital role in dolphin echolocation
High performance golf club comes with annoying sound
NASA scientist suggests possible link between primordial black holes and dark matter
New tabletop instrument tests electron mobility for next-generation electronics
Scientists discover methane-producing microbes in California rocks
How much can a mode-2 wave move?
Optics breakthrough to revamp night vision
Diamonds closer to becoming ideal semiconductors
A warning system for tsunamis