Archive of articles published on the 9th of March 2016
Mix and match MOF
Sharpest view ever of dusty disc around aging star
Gene protects against toxic byproducts of photosynthesis, helping plants to 'breathe'
Bats in Asia found to have resistance to white-nose syndrome fungus
High white blood cell ratio linked to recurrence risk in early stage breast cancer
Sea level rise threatens larger number of people than earlier estimated
Full dose radiotherapy to whole breast may not be needed in early breast cancer
Smart clothing of the future will automatically adjust itself
Vision restored in rabbits following stem cell transplantation
Imaging advance may bring earlier disease detection
Widespread use of meldonium among elite athletes, research shows
Real-life aliens extremely efficient at turning their hosts into new parasites
Dingo skull resistant to change from cross breeding with dogs, research shows
Stanford scientists make renewable plastic from carbon dioxide and plants
Suffering warthogs seek out nit-picking mongooses for relief
Stem cells regenerate human lens after cataract surgery, restoring vision
Scaling up tissue engineering
Physical activity does not influence breast density: Protective effect against breast cancer is due to other mechanisms
Diabetes treatment can reduce mammographic density
Sticky, stony and sizzling science launching to space station
Genes influence sleep/wake timing of seizures in people with epilepsy
Changes in heart activity may signal epilepsy
A step toward reducing brain damage after stroke
'Big data' drills down into metabolic details
Researchers build molecule that could significantly reduce brain damage in stroke victims
The benefits of food processing
We've got your number: Tracing the source of invasive Japanese beetles