Archive of articles published on the 4th of January 2016
Human-machine superintelligence can solve the world's most dire problems
Sugar in western diets increases risk for breast cancer tumors and metastasis
Tiniest chameleons deliver most powerful tongue-lashings
Traces of islandic volcanoes in a northeastern German lake
Strong magnetic fields discovered in majority of stars
Rotational clock for stars needs recalibration
Stellar revelations
Adjustable adhesion power: What fakirs can learn from geckos
New paste prevents scarring caused by radiation therapy for cancer
Asian carp could cause some Lake Erie fish to decline, others to increase
The first European farmers are traced back to Anatolia
Worldwide electricity production vulnerable to climate and water resource change
Meltwater from the Greenland ice sheet releasing faster
Climate change altering Greenland ice sheet & accelerating sea level rise, says York University prof
Poor transparency and reporting jeopardize the reproducibility of science
Tackling the 'credibility crisis' in science -- new PLOS Biology meta-research section
Virgin births may be common among snakes
Asian carp could cause some Lake Erie fish species to decline, others to increase