Archive of articles published on the 29th of January 2016
Scientists build a neural network using plastic memristors
How 'more food per field' could help save our wild spaces
Moon was produced by a head-on collision between Earth and a forming planet
Camouflage really does reduce the chances of being eaten
CU-Boulder study: Ancient extinction of giant Australian bird points to humans
Too-few proteins prompt nanoparticles to clump
Losing fat while gaining muscle: Scientists close in on 'holy grail' of diet and exercise
Long-term study shows impact of humans on land
New policies, educational programs help -- but don't solve -- problems with opioid abuse
Opioid prescribing for chronic pain -- achieving the right balance through education
Survey shows Aussies' love and concern for Great Barrier Reef
Graphene shown to safely interact with neurons in the brain
For breast cancer patients, never too late to quit smoking
Vital clues to future cancer development in normal breast tissue DNA
Good cosmetic outcomes, improved quality of life with full facial feminization surgery
Fat injection for breast reconstruction doesn't increase risk of recurrent breast cancer
This plant sucks! (But how?)
Laboratory-bred corals reproduce in the wild