Archive of articles published on the 10th of August 2015
Corrected sunspot history suggests climate change not due to natural solar trends
Severe droughts could lead to widespread losses of butterflies by 2050
Study finds price of wind energy in US at an all-time low, averaging under 2.5¢/kWh
Statistical technique helps cancer researchers understand tumor makeup, personalize care
Statisticians develop new 2-cycle dose-finding method for personalized cancer treatments
Big data maps world's ocean floor
New digital seafloor map provides answers and more questions
World population likely to surpass 11 billion in 2100
Tenth transiting 'Tatooine'
Astronomers discover new planet orbiting two stars
Charting the slow death of the Universe
Charting the slow death of the Universe
Scientists measure slow death of the Universe
Traitors in our midst: Bacteria use toxins to turn our own bodies against us
Newly identified tadpole disease found across the globe