Archive of articles published on the 15th of April 2015
Scientists develop mesh that captures oil--but lets water through
Iowa State anthropologist finds female chimps more likely to use tools when hunting
A camera that powers itself!
The microscopic topography of ink on paper
Bone-eating worms dined on marine reptile carcasses
Study: Most partisans treat politics like sports rivalries, instead of focusing on issues
Researchers can trace dust samples using fungal DNA
Longest mammal migration raises questions about distinct species
MIT sensor detects spoiled meat
Discovery of new plant switch could boost crops, biofuel production
Complex cognition shaped the Stone Age hand axe, study shows
Patents forecast technological change
'Pull my finger!' say scientists who solve knuckle-cracking riddle
Shape-shifting molecule tricks viruses into mutating themselves to death
Researchers use plant oils for novel bio-based plastics