Archive of articles published on the 5th of September 2012
National survey of economists uncovers vast gender gap in policy views
In elk hunting, success depends on the animal's personality
Trout will become extinct in the Iberian Peninsula in less than 100 years
Explosion of galaxy formation lit up early universe
Adolescents in foster care require guidelines for safe social media use, MU expert says
Powerful new explosive could replace today's state-of-the-art military explosive
Galileo didn't invent thermometer that bears his name
Concern about plans to close unique Canadian environmental project
Infections in rheumatoid arthritis patients: Mayo Clinic study finds way to pinpoint risk
DNA sequences need quality time too - guidelines for quality control published
Researchers unlock disease information hidden in genome's control circuitry
AGU: Glacial thinning has sharply accelerated at major South American icefields
Exceptional upward mobility in the US is a myth, international studies show
Dinosaur die-out might have been second of 2 closely timed extinctions
Researchers identify biochemical functions for most of the human genome
Picky penguins: Does mate choice depend on genes that help resist disease?
New study examines how ocean energy impacts life in the deep sea
Tough gel stretches to 21 times its length, recoils, and heals itself
Loss of tropical forests reduces rain
Wildlife Conservation Society releases list of Asian species at the conservation crossroads
Guys, take note: Male birth control pill may be ready soon, says Texas A&M professor