Archive of articles published on the 26th of November 2012
Reading, writing and playing games may help aging brains stay healthy
Better blood transfusions for preterm babies
Drained wetlands give off same amount of greenhouse gases as industry
Pilot whales use synchronized swimming when they sense danger
Engineering plants for biofuels
Transposable elements reveal a stem cell specific class of long noncoding RNAs
How does a volcanic crater grow? Grab some TNT and find out
Study finds alarming 15-fold increase in inflatable bouncer-related injuries among children
Model sheds light on the chemistry that sparked the origin of life
Bioengineered marine algae expands environments where biofuels can be produced
Penn researchers make flexible, low-voltage circuits using nanocrystals
Survival gene may be key to controlling HIV and hepatitis
Researchers test novel power system for space travel
Alaska's iconic Columbia Glacier expected to stop retreating in 2020, says CU-Boulder study
Hearty organisms discovered in bitter-cold Antarctic brine
Using biomarkers from prehistoric human feces to track settlement and agriculture
Cassini finds a video gamers' paradise at Saturn
Personalities influence workforce planning
More Facebook friends means more stress, says report
Genome decoded: Scientists find clues to more disease-resistant watermelons
IU-led team uncovers process for chameleon-like changes in world's most abundant phytoplankton
American University biologist discovers new crab species
Shrubs lend an insight into a glacier's past
Ancient microbes found living beneath the icy surface of Antarctic lake
Scientists from Bangalore and Mainz develop new methods for cooling of ions