Archive of articles published on the 11th of October 2012
Nearby super-Earth likely a diamond planet
Close call – bad weather drives up phone calls to our nearest and dearest
A new cave-dwelling reef coral discovered in the Indo-Pacific
Filming bacterial life in multicolor as a new diagnostic and antibiotic discovery tool
Women use emoticons more than men in text messaging :-)
DNA confirms genetically distinct lion population for Ethiopia
Arctic and Southern Oceans appear to determine the composition of microbial populations
India's public school students on par with private students
Eco-friendly optics: Spider silk's talents harnessed for use in biosensors, lasers, microchips
Plasma screens enhanced as disorder strikes
Researchers create 'nanoflowers' for energy storage, solar cells
Queen's develops new environmentally friendly MOF production method
Bouncing on Titan
Developmental biologist proposes new theory of early animal evolution
Surprising solution to fly eye mystery
Researchers ID unique geological 'sombrero' uplift in South America
Focus on space debris: Envisat
University of Washington researchers focus on quorum sensing to better understand bacteria
Terrorism risk greatest for subway/rail commuters, says MIT paper at INFORMS conference
Notre Dame researcher helps make Sudoku puzzles less puzzling
Mug handles could help hot plasma give lower-cost, controllable fusion energy
Researchers work across fields to uncover information about hadrosaur teeth
Brain scans can predict children's reading ability, Stanford researchers say
Earth sunblock only needed if planet warms easily
Antibiotic resistance a growing concern with urinary tract infection
New studies reveal connections between animals' microbial communities and behavior
Weizmann Institute Scientists observe quantum effects in cold chemistry
New web-based model for sharing research datasets could have huge benefits
Aspirin may decrease risk of aggressive form of ovarian cancer
Research findings in solar cells will have an impact on solar panel industry
Fertility discovery a sperm's tail
Unusual genetic structure confers major disease resistance trait in soybean
Fisheries benefit from 400-year-old tradition