Archive of articles published on the 12th of September 2011
Fast-paced, fantastical television shows may compromise learning, behavior of young children
Hyperventilation may trigger febrile seizures in children
Scientists utilize breath and sweat to detect trapped humans
Dangers of exposure to 'white' light
MIT: In plane view
Spin pumping effect proven for the first time
Psoriasis patients face higher than average death risk after a heart attack
'Trojan Horse' particle sneaks chemotherapy in to kill ovarian cancer cells
Even low-dose aspirin may increase risk of GI bleeding
Ferroelectrics could pave way for ultra-low power computing
Key signal that prompts production of insulin-producing beta cells points way toward diabetes cure
A deep male voice helps women remember
MU study finds quitting smoking enhances personality change
First proof in patients of an improved 'magic bullet' for cancer detection and radio-therapy
Research offers means to detoxify mycotoxin-contaminated grain intended for ethanol, animal feed
Confronting meaninglessness
Honduran earthquake of 2009 destroyed half of coral reefs of Belizean Barrier Reef lagoon
Cognition research aims to reduce medical errors
Stimulation of female genital regions produces strong activation of various brain sites
Ophthalmic antibiotics associated with antimicrobial resistance after intraocular injection therapy
Association found between long-term use of nonaspirin anti-inflammatory drugs and renal cell cancer
Study evaluates intranasal insulin therapy for adults with mild cognitive impairment or Alzheimer’s
Parabolic mirrors concentrate sunlight to power lasers
Is smartphone technology the future of US elections?
Bursting neurons follow the same beat, sometimes
SAFEPED helps cities fix dangerous intersections
Graphene may open the gate to future terahertz technologies
Fish oil reduces effectiveness of chemotherapy