Archive of articles published on the 1st of September 2011
Sex hormones impact career choices
UT Southwestern program identifies families at high risk for colorectal cancer
Perception of facial expressions differs across cultures
Exercise boosts health by influencing stem cells to become bone, not fat, McMaster researchers find
Hospitals encouraged to consider value-added service of hospital-based radiology groups
Faster diagnostics through cheap, ultra-portable blood testing
Radiologists urged to study federal regulations relating to meaningful use
Experts offer pointers for optimizing radiation dose in chest CT
Southern Rocky Mountain pikas holding their own, says new CU-Boulder assessment
Increased prevalence of stroke hospitalizations seen in teens and young adults
Insomnia costing US workforce $63.2 billion a year in lost productivity, study shows
Aging eyes linked to sleepless nights, new study shows
Decrease in smoking reduces death rates within months
Study offers insight for returning troops and their relationships
BUSM professor outlines best practices for treating victims of sexual assault
2 brain halves, 1 perception
Ben-Gurion U. researchers identify gene that leads to myopia (nearsightedness)
Yale scientists find stem cells that tell hair it's time to grow
Habit makes bad food too easy to swallow
New map shows where tastes are coded in the brain
Cornell physicists capture microscopic origins of thinning and thickening fluids
From a flat mirror, designer light
Sparing or sharing? Protecting wild species may require growing more food on less land
Scientists observe smallest atomic displacements ever
Breast cancer risk drops when diet includes walnuts, Marshall researchers find
New half-match bone marrow transplant procedure yields promising outcomes for cancer patients
Dendritic cells in liver protect against acetaminophen toxicity
Researchers successfully perform first injection of cultured red blood cells in human donor
Tree-killing pathogen traced back to California
Starving inflammatory immune cells slows damage caused by multiple sclerosis
Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County announces discovery of important woolly rhino fossil
Up from the depths: How bacteria capture carbon in the 'twilight zone'
The battle of the morphogens: How to get ahead in the nervous system
Caltech team says sporulation may have given rise to the bacterial outer membrane
Two genes that cause familial ALS shown to work together
An 'unconventional' path to correcting cystic fibrosis
Infants trained to concentrate show added benefits
Orchestrator of waste removal rescues cells that can't manage their trash
Crippling condition associated with diabetes is often misdiagnosed and misunderstood
Profiler at the cellular level