Archive of articles published on the 4th of May 2011
Undergraduate institutions should play larger research role
US must strengthen efforts to restrict chemicals that threaten health, say researchers
Breast shields better at reducing dose than posteriorly centered partial CT, study finds
Low-dose chest CT effective in reducing radiation for evaluation of cardiothoracic surgery patients
Susceptibility-weighted imaging can improve detection of and treatment for stroke patients
MDCT arthrography accurately identifies
Increases in peripheral arterial disease revascularization correlates with screening growth
Supernova and star birth in the Meathook Galaxy
2 views of a lopsided galaxy
'Most adults with autism go undiagnosed' -- new findings
New mitochondrial control mechanism discovered
Sense of justice built into the brain
Evolutionary lessons for wind farm efficiency
Weizmann Institute scientists discover: A protein that contributes to obesity
Physical and emotional health of older couples linked for better or worse, study finds
A new research report shows effects of climate change in the Arctic are more extensive than expected
Battle scars found on an ancient sea monster
Natural protection against radiation
Blood test for Alzheimer's
New woes for silicones in cosmetics and personal care products
New evidence that caffeine is a healthful antioxidant in coffee
Cola detectives test natural flavoring claims for pricey soft drinks
Nonprofit health organizations increase health literacy through social media
New route to map brain fat
For small business owners, consultation means fewer missteps
Making the move to exercise for overweight and obese people
Night owls at risk for weight gain and bad diet
More knowledge not always helpful for women dealing with heart disease
Exercise protects the heart via nitric oxide
MIT: New method found for controlling conductivity
Revolutionary new paper computer shows flexible future for smartphones and tablets
Seeing the trees and missing the forest
Regional politicians in Spain are more disassociated from central government than other countries
Schools need collaboration, not packaged solutions, for best mental health programs
Damaged hearts pump better when fueled with fats
Chesapeake Bay program's 2-year milestones improve upon past strategies, but accounting of progress remains a challenge
Data evaluates rehospitalization and cost burden of AFib/atrial flutter
Race in America
Systematic effort helps hospital raise employee flu vaccination rates
Air pollution near Michigan schools linked to poorer student health, academic performance
Comprehensive study finds no link between XMRV retrovirus and chronic fatigue syndrome
Childhood cancer survivors are at increased risk for ongoing post-therapy GI complications
Positive effects of depression
U of A study finds ways to help end dry mouth in cancer patients
Researchers discover protein that could help prevent the spread of cancer
Researchers show heparan sulfate adjusts functions of growth factor proteins
Hitting target in cancer fight now easier with new nanoparticle platform, UCLA scientists say
USGS economic analysis updated for the National Petroleum Reserve in Alaska
Estimated costs of environmental disease in children at $76.6 billion per year
Newly discovered plant fossil reveals more than age
Age alone should be used to screen for heart attacks and strokes, say experts
Attention, please -- how innovations and Nobel Prize winners make it
New research suggests dramatic shift in understanding of personalized medicine
Asthma pill more user friendly than inhalers -- and no less effective
The contraceptive pill and HRT may protect against cerebral aneurysm
Fall in deaths related to child abuse suggests improvement in child protection services
Racial disparities still exist in colorectal cancer screening despite increased Medicare coverage