Archive of articles published on the 17th of May 2011
Sewage-derived nitrogen increasingly polluting Caribbean ecosystems
Patients who see preferred doctor less likely to go for emergency hospital admission
Building confidence increases short-term exercise gains in COPD patients
Smoking ban reduces emergency room admissions
Deprivation and neglect found to age children's chromosomes
Abortions generate $95 million a year for Polish doctors as women use illegal private sector
Egyptian princess was first person with diagnosed coronary artery disease
A virus similar to herpes could be a risk factor for multiple sclerosis
Of moose and men
Landslides: How rainfall dried up Panama's drinking water
CHEO Research Institute develops secure protocol for data disclosure
Researchers develop hardware encryption for new computer memory technology
Mitigating mummy berry disease of blueberry
That anxiety may be in your gut, not in your head
Understanding a bacterial immune system 1 step at a time
Forest Service unveils first comprehensive forecast on southern forests
Pro athletes ought to bargain outside federal court, legal scholar says
Obstructive sleep apnea linked to cancer growth in mice
Better passwords get with the beat
Stem cell study could pave the way to treatment for age-related muscle wasting
True love may wait -- but waiting won't make you a safer lover later on
Reforestation research in Latin America helps build better forests
New form of girl's best friend is lighter than ever
Rigorous study confirms video game playing increases food intake in teens
Molecular researchers discover novel gene linked to aging hearts
Study shows pharmacies' software systems miss potentially dangerous interactions
UCSB scientists track environmental influences on giant kelp with help from satellite data
NYU researchers use innovative data collection method -- A video by Dutch band C-Mon & Kypski
UT physicist accelerates simulations of thin film growth
Why more African Americans turn to Twitter
I know you, bad guy!
Vaccine protects from deadly Hendra virus
Greenhouse ocean study offers warning for future
Researchers discover underlying mechanisms of skin hardening syndromes
Cockroach allergens in homes associated with prevalence of childhood asthma in some neighborhoods
Greenhouse ocean study offers warning for future
Coffee may reduce risk of lethal prostate cancer in men
Experimental treatment offers relief from painful prostate condition
Halving the radiation dose in cardiac perfusion imaging is now 'feasible'
A 'brain wave' test for schizophrenia risk?
Clubbers can smell a good nightspot
Sharpening the nanofocus
Simple face masks could significantly prevent spread of TB to non-infected patients
Contrast agent guidelines help prevent debilitating disorder
New method of unreeling cocoons could extend silk industry beyond Asia
Most common form of inherited intellectual disability may be treatable
Dynamics of crucial protein 'switch' revealed
Vitamin A, beta carotene pregnancy supplements do not appear to reduce maternal, infant death risk
Prenatal use of newer antiepileptic drugs not associated with increased risk of major birth defects
Modern treatments for GERD effective at achieving long-term remission for most patients
Economic factors associated with increase in closures of emergency departments
Penn researchers identify the roots of memory impairment resulting from sleep deprivation
No pain, big gain
Staff-prisoner relationships are key to prison quality
Too posh to push? The increasing trend for cesarean section