Archive of articles published on the 3rd of April 2011
Mum’s the word when it comes to children’s happiness
Immune system may guide chemotherapy for breast cancer
UCSF team discovers new way to predict breast cancer survival and enhance effectiveness of treatment
Heart drug cuts prostate cancer risk; holds potential for therapeutic use
Digoxin may be a possible treatment for prostate cancer
New target identified for squamous cell lung cancer
Young black athletes with sickle cell trait might be susceptible to sudden death
Study finds routine periodic fasting is good for your health, and your heart
Hypothermia proves successful in younger cardiac patients too
Research on antibiotic use, drug resistant organisms and effectiveness of electronic faucets
Nurturing newborn neurons sharpens minds in mice
4 new genes identified for Alzheimer's disease risk
Understanding Alzheimer’s: Genetic search uncovers five new genes
Alzheimer’s disease consortium identifies four new genes for Alzheimer’s disease risk
Self-cooling observed in graphene elctronics
Alzheimer's disease consortium identifies four new genes for Alzheimer's disease risk
4 new genes for Alzheimer's disease risk identified by Alzheimer's disease consortium
Common 'chaperone' protein found to work in surprising way, say Scripps Research scientists
Nanoparticles offer hope for common skin allergy
Search for advanced materials aided by discovery of hidden symmetries in nature
Large Veterans Health Administration study shows 'last resort' antibiotics use on the rise
New strategy for stimulating neurogenesis may lead to drugs to improve cognition and mood
Smoking did not influence breast cancer risk among obese women
Avoiding or controlling diabetes may reduce cancer risk and mortality
Metabolic syndrome may increase risk for liver cancer
Vitamin D levels linked with health of blood vessels
Regional prevention project involving 10,000 adults cuts heart attacks by 25 percent