Archive of articles published on the 15th of December 2011
New test to indicate likely spread or recurrence of breast cancer
Missouri Botanical Garden scientists examine toxicity of medicinal plants in Peru
New light on medicinal benefits of plants
From heterogeneous patient measurements towards earlier diagnosis in Alzheimer's disease
UIC researchers discover how cells limit inflammation in lung injury
Improving security in the cloud
Hide and seek signals
Researchers describe a new genetic program that converts static cells into mobile invasive cells
Walking skills program improves physical function following hip replacement surgery
Pregnant women advised to stay cool for baby's sake
140 new species described by California Academy of Sciences in 2011
A simple clip could increase quality of life for thousands of patients with a common heart problem
F. nucleatum enables breaking bond on blood vessels to allow invaders in
'Smart Connector' could save millions in lost revenue
Unwanted online sexual exposures decline for youth, new UNH research finds
What makes solo terrorists tick?
President's Bioethics Commission releases report on human subjects protection
Scientists find microbes in lava tube living in conditions like those on Mars
Researchers closer to understanding the evolution of sound production in fish
Scientists discover second-oldest gene mutation
A 'fantastic voyage' through the body -- with precision control
Majority of B.C. women take prescription drugs during pregnancy: UBC study
Cancer from fetal exposure to carcinogens depends on dose, timing
New study shows promise for preventing preterm births
Shape, fit of reproductive organs evolve quickly and in concert, leaving size behind
Shared flavor compounds show up on US menus, rare in Asian cuisines
Penn study shows how B cells may generate antibodies after vaccination
Less knowledge, more power: Uninformed can be vital to democracy, study finds
Psychology researcher finds that second-guessing one's decisions leads to unhappiness
Discovery of a 'dark state' could mean a brighter future for solar energy
Close family ties keep cheaters in check, study finds
Decades-old conclusion about energy-making pathway of cyanobacteria is corrected
IOM report recommends stringent limits on use of chimpanzees in biomedical and behavioral research