Archive of articles published on the 22nd of June 2010
Noninvasive combination technique may reduce number of breast biopsies
Conceptions of bias and appointments to CIHR Governing Council
Country action is needed for maternal and child health in Africa
Full reproductive and sexual health rights essential for maternal health goals
Gay men's bilateral brains better at remembering faces: York U study
Gut bacteria could be key indicator of colon cancer risk
How lead exposure damages the brain: New research fills in the picture
Loneliness, poor health appear to be linked
Ben-Gurion U. professor develops computer program that detects depression in bloggers' texts
Physician-journalist guidelines proposed in wake of Haiti earthquake
Researchers create self-assembling nanodevices that move and change shape on demand
Sequencing of the human body louse genome
Turning off the air conditioning helps save fuel
Viral protein structure study offers HIV therapy hope
New design for motorcycle engines powered by compressed air
Report describes the physics of the 'bends'
New genetic analysis reveals principles of phenotypic expression
Liquid crystals light way to better data storage
'BC5' material shows superhard, superconducting potential
Humans have a mighty bite
Underwater gliders may change how scientists track fish
Adaptation is (not) in the eye of the beholder
Hubble captures bubbles and baby stars
Schools still failing to promote positive attitudes towards disabled people
Data mining algorithm explains complex temporal interactions among genes
High fructose, trans fats lead to significant liver disease, says study
Genome sequence may lead to better methods to target lice
Chlordecone exposure and risk of prostate cancer
Chemical element 114: A first at GSI
K-State chemical engineer patents enzymatic preparation to make natural ingredients in the lab
Defective signaling pathway leads to vascular malformations in the brain
NASA's TRMM satellite sees Hurricane Celia's moderate rainfall
Research from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute professor offers clues to Alzheimer's disease
Lifestyle intervention reduces preschoolers' body fat, improves fitness
Study shows a possible link between preschoolers' cavities and excess body fat
Computer fun helps improve girls' food choices, fitness
Genetically modified cell procedure may prove useful in treating kidney failure
Radio signals research scans new horizons
Activity sensing with software sensors
OHSU School of Dentistry team examines how to rapily assess children's tooth decay risk
Growing brain is particularly flexible
Quantum gas in free fall
In elevated carbon dioxide, soybeans stumble but cheatgrass keeps on truckin'
Coffee may protect against head and neck cancers
Inheriting and bequeathing in Europe
Mothers' high blood sugar in pregnancy is linked to children's reduced insulin sensitivity
Discovery of controlled swarm in bacteria
Decay of baby teeth may be linked to obesity, poor food choices, study suggests
New lung cancer drug shows dramatic results for shrinking tumors
Brain structure corresponds to personality
Wireless vs. wireless
Environmental scandal in Chile
Filtering donor blood reduces heart, lung complications
Study finds that caring for an elderly, sick spouse sometimes has positive elements
New scientific statement evaluates benefits and risks of menopausal hormone therapy
Employers took many measures to protect employees and avoid business impact of H1N1 flu outbreak
Genetic septet in control of blood platelet clotting
New areas prone to moderate earthquakes identified in Iberian Peninsula
UC Riverside entomologist helps manage invasion threats posed to California's avocados
American team of scientists help protect Guatemala's Lake Atitlan
Study examines outcomes of lowering homocysteine levels with folic acid and vitamin B12
Study identifies reasons for higher rate of severe sepsis among black patients
Reported surgical quality measures not associated with lower infection rates
Obesity, weight gain in middle age associated with increased risk of diabetes among older adults
Study finds mixed results on effectiveness of surgical care improvement measures
Implementing comparative effectiveness research: Lessons from the mammography screening controversy
Organic pesticides not always 'greener' choice, study finds
New vaccine strategies could safely control Rift Valley fever
Incidence and reproduction numbers of pertussis
The prevalence and drug sensitivity of tuberculosis among patients dying in hospital in South Africa
NJIT professor heads panel studying sudden car acceleration
No link between early childhood cancers and living near mobile phone base station during pregnancy, says study
No link between early child cancers and living near mobile phone masts
Striped mice -- the neighbors from hell
Danish children at risk from psychotropic medicines
Only local doctors should provide out of hours primary care, say experts