Archive of articles published on the 16th of November 2010
Young children sensitive to others' behaviors and intentions
New low-cost method to deliver vaccine shows promise
Highlighting gender promotes stereotyped views in preschoolers
Making the passage of time invisible (and the illusion of a Star Trek transporter)
Highlighting gender promotes stereotyped views in preschoolers
Social costs of achievement vary by race/ethnicity, school features
Nighttime sleep found beneficial to infants' skills
Benefits of preschool vary by family income
Radiation fears should not deter women from mammography screening
US scientists significantly more likely to publish fake research
Passive smokers at increased risk of hearing loss
Heavy smoking during pregnancy linked to kids becoming repeat offenders as adults
Health professionals need to take action on water and sanitation issues
Increased age of sexual consent in Canada may not protect teens at greatest risk: UBC study
Study takes first steps to improve the quality of health care for chronically ill children
Artificial black holes made with metamaterials
Teen vulnerability: Drug exposure during adolescence has long-lasting consequences
Researchers find tie between fat outside of the arteries and cardiovascular disease
'Chaogates' hold promise for the semiconductor industry
Getting bubbles out of fuel pumps
APS releases report on renewable energy and the electricity grid
Important brain area organized by color and orientation
Newly discovered drumlin field provides answers about glaciation and climate
First in man SESAME stent trial demonstrates 100 percent acute success rate
Using plants against soils contaminated with arsenic
New characteristics of premature aging protein discovered at Stevens
29,000 Ontario students report problem gambling -- drug use and suicide a concern
Protein with cardioprotective capabilities during heart attack discovered
Aortic aneurysm treatable with asthma drugs
Disadvantaged youth more likely to be high-school dropouts, young parents and poor adults
Not following doctor's orders: Prescription abandonment
US falls behind other nations in reducing traffic fatalities and injuries
Scientists learn more about how kidneys fail and how new drugs may intervene
Dressing indicates infections
Structure of a protein related to heart and nervous system health revealed
Treating heart attack with fat-derived stem cells may be safe in humans
Animal studies suggest new paths to treating depression
Brain-machine interfaces offer improved options for prosthetics and treatments after injury
Research shows behavior greatly impacts recovery from brain injury, addiction and other conditions
Sticky snack for elephant-shrews
Back off, Rudolph: Protecting this year's Christmas tree crop
Smoke from fireworks is harmful to health
Most value-added impact from teachers fades within 1 year
Treatment that includes surgery results in better blood flow to heart
Combo high-tech CT scans just as good as older imaging to detect coronary artery disease
Engineers test effects of fire on steel structures
NSU researcher makes breakthrough discovery to curb heart failure
Heart surgeries can trigger strokes, seizures and other neurological complications
International discussions on FRAX smooth the way for implementation in clinical practice
Organ network uses Carnegie Mellon algorithm to match live kidney donors with recipients
Imaging tool may aid nanoelectronics by screening tiny tubes
Community education may shorten treatment time for heart attack patients
Gene linked to ADHD allows memory task to be interrupted by brain regions tied to daydreaming
Minimally invasive procedure safe alternative for treating congenital heart defect
Depression linked to HIV risk among South African young people, study shows
Study rewrites the evolutionary history of C4 grasses
Listening for ocean spills and their ecological effects
New dry powder antibiotic targets tuberculosis, reduces treatment time
New dry powder antibiotic targets tuberculosis, reduces treatment time
Budding research links climate change and earlier flowering plants
NERSC supercomputing center breaks the petaflops barrier
Nanotechnology: A dead end for plant cells?
Researchers link cerebral malaria to epilepsy, behavior disorders
Program for young students increases interest in college attendance and medical careers
Research links damaged organs to change in biochemical wave patterns
Infant estrogen levels tracked through diaper research
Astronomers discover merging star systems that might explode
Detroit's urban farms could provide a majority of produce for local residents
Enzyme action could be target for diabetes, heart disease treatments
Never-smokers fare far better than smokers after radiation therapy for head and neck cancer
Statin RX may be overprescribed in healthy people without evidence of diseased arteries
Princeton scientist recasts problems, offering new tools for old quandaries
Eyeblink conditioning may help in assessing children with fetal alcohol exposure
Bioengineers provide adult stem cells with simultaneous chemical, electrical and mechanical cues
Rensselaer team shows how to analyze raw government data
Combination therapy improves survival time for patients with advanced liver cancer
Energy drink use may lead to alcohol dependence
Communication engages complex brain circuitry and processes
Tips from the journals of the American Society for Microbiology
Your view of personal goals can affect your relationships
Hearing colors, seeing sounds: New research explores sensory overlap in the brain
Effective diagnosis, treatment of ear infections in children examined in study
Antibiotic treatment for ear infections in kids provides only modest benefits, study finds
Common strain of bacteria found in patients with cystic fibrosis in Canada
Wake up, Mom -- study shows gender differences in sleep interruptions
Minneapolis disaster spawning new concepts in bridge research, testing and safety
You are not what you eat
Phone-in doctoring fails to improve patient outcomes
MRI scans show structural brain changes in people at risk for Alzheimer's disease
New ways to detect and treat Alzheimer's disease
Length of pregnancy influenced by placenta structure
Cancer drug target is promising lead for new TB treatments