Archive of articles published on the 2nd of October 2010
DNA repair capacity identified those at high risk for non-melanoma skin cancer
Breast cancer linked to environmental smoke exposure among Mexican women
Memory impairment common in people with a history of cancer
Multipronged intervention treated persistent fatigue effectively in breast cancer survivors
Vitamin D levels lower in African-Americans
Measuring productivity helps radiology department improve efficiency
Computer-aided detection is increasingly being used in screening and diagnostic mammography
Lifestyle intervention improves risk factors in type 2 diabetes
Evaluation of targeted therapy in ovarian cancer
Innovative Web-based tool helps doctors improve care
Race not root of disparity in lung cancer between whites and blacks
Decreased survival for Puerto Rican women with 'triple-negative' breast cancer subtype
Social support post-cancer lacking among minority women
Lack of private health insurance impacted cancer survival
Racial differences in breast cancer treatment persist despite similar economics