Archive of articles published on the 4th of September 2009
Safe seed: Researchers yielding good results on food cotton in field
Syracuse University research team discovers switch that causes the body to produce cancerous cells
Web page ranking algorithm detects critical species in ecosystems
Find local rideshares quickly via mobile phone
No frontiers: Ushering in a new era of conferencing technology
Ultra-flat loudspeakers with powerful sound reproduction
Surgical scrub solution: It's good for patients, too
Perennial vegetation, an indicator of desertification in Spain
New research strategy for understanding drug resistance in leukemia
MicroRNAs circulating in blood show promise as biomarkers to detect pancreatic cancer
Pesticides -- easier detection of pollution and impact in rivers
Einstein scientists move closer to a safer anthrax vaccine
Insomnia is bad for the heart
Growing green roofs
Queen's University physicist unlocking the mysteries of neighboring galaxies
The first DNA barcodes of commonly traded bushmeat are published
The war against wildlife comes to an end in Southern Europe
Bringing harmony to electronic waste disposal
Watermelon's hidden killer
To get college students to wash hands requires proper tools, attention-getting tactics
Anticancer compound found in American mayapple
Lasers generate underwater sound
Scientists return from first ever riser drilling operations in seismogenic zone
She's going back to school but can she read?
Researchers identify critical gene for brain development, mental retardation
U of T researchers identify protein
For peat's sake: Alternative growing media
Environmental effects of cold-climate strawberry farming
Brown economists measure GDP growth from outer space
Monkey brains signal the desire to explore
Lipid involved with gene regulation uncovered
Researchers identify key contributor to pre-eclampsia
Organic apple orchard floor maintenance techniques
Cardiac biomarker levels strongly predict outcome of bypass surgery
Discovery leads to rapid mouse 'personalized trials' in breast cancer
Organic or local?
Smoke no longer found in European hospitals
Chimpanzees develop specialized tool kits to catch army ants