Archive of articles published on the 21st of September 2009
Breathing technique can reduce frequency, severity of asthma attacks
Building energy efficiency programs in Europe and Australia
A tiny, tunable well of light, and a string theorist's toolbox
Radiologists and engineers develop a modified catheter to reduce contrast material injuries
Radiologists find a technique to significantly reduce patient radiation dose during CT angiography
Despite ongoing safety concerns, study finds adverse reactions from contrast agents rarely occur
Radiological treatment method spares patients surgery and offers 89 percent cost savings
Image-guided treatment for deep venous thrombosis could improve patients' long-term outcomes
Large fat cells may increase risk of type 2 diabetes in women
Zooming to the center of the Milky Way -- GigaGalaxy Zoom phase 2
Treating depression in pregnancy
'Rosetta Stone' of supervolcanoes discovered in Italian Alps
Tip sheet: Migration '09 convenes near site of early nuclear technology
Allergies among youth on the rise
UCF professor finds new way deadly food-borne bacteria spread
Public attitudes to new technology: Lessons for regulators
Ben-Gurion University Alzheimer's researcher demonstrates specific immune response to vaccine
Ozone layer depletion leveling off
Early results: In children, 2009 H1N1 influenza vaccine works like seasonal flu vaccine
MIT develops initial step toward carbon sequestration
Race has little effect on people's ability to spot family resemblances
Perceptual learning relies on local motion signals to learn global motion
Experimental drug lets B cells live and lymphoma cells die
Echoes of phlogiston in stem cell biology
Pediatrics: Kids need specialized care in hospital emergency departments
Nanoresearchers challenge dogma in protein transportation in cells
Junk DNA may prove invaluable in quest for gene therapies
MDC researchers discover molecule responsible for axonal branching
Many Australians at risk of cardiovascular disease are not receiving best practice care
Seasonality of mortality: Summer vacation link?
Ames Laboratory scientist using low-gravity space station lab to study crystal growth
Racial disparities in diabetes prevalence linked to living conditions
You can't trust a tortured brain: Neuroscience discredits coercive interrogation
How proteins talk to each other
Short-term stress enhances anti-tumor activity in mice, Stanford study shows
University of Iowa scientists use blood-brain barrier as therapy delivery system
New chemically-activated antigen could expedite development of HIV vaccine
New device finds early signs of eye disease in preemies
Researchers find drug-eluting stents safe, effective for PCI in diabetics
Can an over-the-counter vitamin-like substance slow the progression of Parkinson's disease?
Drug-eluting stents safe, effective for treatment of chronic total occlusions
Few complications 1 year after aortic valve implantation
Stock graphs can mislead: People prefer stocks with shorter runs
Adolescent alcohol expsoure may lead to long-term risky decision making
Insufficient levels of vitamin D puts elderly at increased risk of dying from heart disease
New type of sirolimus-eluting stent demonstrates superior results
Math used as a tool to heal toughest of wounds
Mild exercise while in the ICU reduces bad effects of prolonged bed rest
Researchers identify gene variant linked to glaucoma
Moody memories? New study shows that mood has limited effect on memory
How scientists think: Fostering creativity in problem solving
Heart attack rates drop after smoking bans, continue downward over time
Watching your weight? Beware of skinny friends with big appetites
What are you getting? Consumer behavior in restaurants
Consumers dictate their own 'rules of engagement' with retailers online
Study: Speaking, eating possible after tonsil cancer surgery with reconstruction
Poor money management may be early indicator of Alzheimer's disease, say UAB researchers
Problems managing money may surface shortly before Alzheimer's disease sets in
Uncertain climate regulations -- why corporations still invest
Tanning may be associated with moles in very light-skinned children
Nationwide study examines youth access to indoor tanning
Study of hospital relocation provides insights to aid in disaster planning
Alcohol in bloodstream associated with lower risk of death from head injury
Cancer predisposition from genetic variation shows strong gender bias
Immune response to spinal cord injury may worsen damage
New drug targets for spinal cord injury?
Banning smoking in public places and workplaces is good for the heart
Hummer owners claim moral high ground to excuse overconsumption
Study examines treatment and outcomes for nasal fractures
Incomplete radiation therapy common among medicare recipients with head and neck cancer
Comfort food fallacy: Upheaval leads to less-familiar choices
New device could more effectively alleviate menstrual cramp pain
Experimental approach may reverse rheumatoid arthritis and osteoporosis
Healing badly damaged lungs: Distinct set of white blood cells found to set the pace of wound repair
Switching early breast cancer patients to exemestane improves long-term survival
Study of adjuvant endocrine treatment for breast cancer reveals cost of noncompliance
Whole-brain radiotherapy after surgery or radiosurgery not recommended for brain metastases
Adding cetuximab to chemotherapy reduces advanced lung cancer death risk by 13 percent
Old red blood cells may double mortality in trauma patients
Minimal training saves lives with airway mask
More babies born prematurely but survival rates up, study shows
Spontaneous and medically induced preterm births contribute equally to the rising rate of preterm births