Archive of articles published on the 2nd of September 2009
The protein modifier SUMO helps set apart females and males
Changes in California's bird communities due to climate change
Exercise minimizes weight regain by reducing appetite and burning fat first, carbs later
Wrestling with bighorn sheep
New design keeps buildings standing and habitable after major earthquakes
AMP president updates CDC committee on H1N1 testing
NGC 4945: The Milky Way's not-so-distant cousin
DNA mutations linked to diabetes
Hospital infections cost $1 billion in lost bed days
Map characterizes active lakes below Antarctic ice
Study reveals seismic shift in methods used to track earthquakes
Humans causing erosion comparable to world’s largest rivers and glaciers
Resident duty-hour reform associated with increased complication rate
Breakthrough in bubble research at Bath
A breath of fresh air could improve drug toxicity screening
Diesel exhaust is linked to cancer development via new blood vessel growth
Researchers design new graphene-based, nano-material with magnetic properties
Deaths from unintentional injuries increase for many groups
Trash or treasure? Discarded US computers often get a second life
Sustainable fertilizer: Urine and wood ash produce large harvest
Powerful new 'molecular GPS' helps probe aging and disease processes
'NanoPen' may write new chapter in nanotechnology manufacturing
Vitamin C deficiency impairs early brain development
New computer models aim to classify, help reduce injury accidents
University of Georgia researchers show component of mothballs is present in deep-space clouds
Research recommends compromise when choosing conservation site
YouTube videos yield clues to brain injury symptom
Dead ahead: Similar early warning signals of change in climate
Methane gas likely spewing into the oceans through vents in sea floor
Gladstone scientists find first genetic link between reptile and human heart evolution
Increasing residential and employment density could mean reductions in vehicle travel, fuel use and CO2 emissions
Keeping the suicidal soldier alive
Buyer beware: Estrogen supplements not as effective as claimed
Boron-based compounds trick a biomedical protein
Canadian research breakthrough holds promise for development of effective cancer therapies
New study shows those blinded by brain injury may still 'see'
Chemists reach from the molecular to the real world with creation of 3-D DNA crystals
Scientists from Bonn cool gas by laser bombardment
IGRT may improve outcomes for obese prostate cancer patients
Study results promise faster recovery from life-threatening blood cell shortages
Time to tap climate-change-combating potential of the world's ecosystems
Denitrification, its importance once diluted, may be back on top, Princeton-led team says
University of Nevada, Reno researcher uses 100,000 degree heat to study plasma
JNCI news brief: SNPs linked with prostate cancer confirmed in Japanese men too
Evidence that priming affiliation increases helping behavior in infants as young as 18 months
Avastin dramatically improves response, survival in deadly recurrrent glioblastomas
Fungal map of mutations key to increasing enzyme production for bioenergy use
High school football, wrestling athletes suffer highest rate of severe injuries
Genome Research publishes special issue: Personal Genomes and Variation
Secrets of the 4 chambers revealed by reptile hearts
Scottsdale Healthcare-TGen clinical trial results signal advances against skin cancer
Novel anti-cancer drug yields positive response in people with advanced skin and brain cancer
Hedgehog trial results suggest antitumor activity in basal cell skin cancer
Clemson University researcher regenerates brain tissue in traumatic injuries
Study casts new light on research of controversial scientist Paul Kammerer
Chimpanzees develop 'specialized tool kits' to catch army ants
Rise in weight-loss drugs prescribed to combat childhood obesity
Believing is seeing
Last chance to save the saola from extinction?