Archive of articles published on the 31st of July 2009
Blood transfusions associated with infection
Drug-proof zebrafish reveal secrets of addiction
Mutation responsible for cystic fibrosis also involved in muscle atrophy
Scientists refine, redefine seawater equation
Leicester research paves way for first use in Europe of an insect to fight invasive plant
Extraterrestrial platinum was 'stirred' into the Earth
Global curbs on overfishing are beginning to work
UF scientists program blood stem cells to become vision cells
National assessment done on potential invasive snail and slug pests in US
Antibody targeting of glioblastoma shows promise in preclinical tests, say Lombardi researchers
Prototype, 7-foot-tall sanitizer automates disinfection of hard-to-clean hospital equipment
From graphene to graphane, now the possibilities are endless
BioVault locks up biometrics
Opening a new window on daylight
Iron isotopes as a tool in oceanography
Structure of protective protein in the eye lens revealed
Robotics insights through flies' eyes
New chemical imaging technique could help in the fight against atherosclerosis, suggests research
Methods for monitoring CO2 emissions have limitations, inadequate for international climate treaty
Cancer treatment controls macular edema related to diabetes and to cataract surgery
The guiding of light: A new metamaterial device steers beams along complex pathways
Parasites ready to jump
Family planning a major environmental impact
Genes key to staph disease severity, drug resistance found hitchhiking together
Scientists decoding genomic sequences of H1N1 using isolates from outbreak in Argentina
UC San Diego engineer provides insights to decades-old DNA squabble
Roadrunners not too fast for AgriLife researcher
Long-term health and social outcomes for neuroblastoma survivors
Study shows how college major and religious faith affect each other
AIDS patients face higher risk of HPV-related cancers as immunosuppression grows
NYU Langone Medical Center researchers find altered micriobiome prevalent in the diseased esophagus
GERD patient satisfaction hinges on medication type and physician bedside manner