Archive of articles published on the 23rd of June 2009
A urine test for appendicitis?
Mouse model of Parkinson's reproduces nonmotor symptoms
Anxiety's hidden cost
Study shows Chronix technology using serum DNA can identify early presence of disease
Children's Hospital Oakland scientists first to discover new source for harvesting stem cells
New electron microscopy images reveal the assembly of HIV
Inflammation markers linked more with fatal than nonfatal cardiovascular events in elderly
Coral face 'a stormy future'
Molecular typesetting -- proofreading without a proofreader
Magnetic field on bright star Vega
New research discovers link between smoking and brain damage
Need something? Talk to my right ear!
Waste water treatment plant mud used as 'green' fuel
Ontario women live longer but don't prosper: Study
U of M study finds new insight on therapy for a devastating parasitic disease
Energy-saving method checks refrigerant level in air conditioners
Pesticide susceptibility in children lasts longer than expected
Ability to literally imagine oneself in another's shoes may be tied to empathy
UCF team's advanced nerve cell system could help cure diabetic neuropathy, related diseases
Lack of happiness hormone serotonin in the brain causes impaired maternal behavior in mice
Marking anorexia with a brain protein
Afghani children suffering from post-traumatic stress
How to confirm the causes of iron deficiency anemia in young women
Weather forecasts of great value to Americans, survey finds
Researchers to reveal aging's origins on global stage
ADHD genes found, known to play roles in neurodevelopment
300 billion weather forecasts used by Americans annually, survey finds
Adenoviral vector specifically targeted to EphA2 receptor in pancreatic cancer cells
In pursuit of a happiness gene
Feather fibers fluff up hydrogen storage capacity
'Bycatch' whaling a growing threat to coastal whales
Meckel's diverticulum masked by intermittent recurrent subocclusive episodes
Researchers develop new and efficient breast biopsy technique
UT School of Public Health researchers develop game for HIV+ youth
Care management reduces depression and suicidal thoughts in older primary care patients
Underweight and extremely obese die earlier than people of normal weight, study finds
Biomarkers predict brain tumor's response to therapy
New therapy found to prevent heart failure
Campaign survey: Dems exploit new individual donor advantage and superior voter mobilization
Campaign donors survey: Women and young people behind Obama's small donor success
Morning people and night owls show different brain function: University of Alberta study
Being overweight, obese during early adulthood associated with greater risk of pancreatic cancer
Changes in brain architecture may be driven by different cognitive challenges
Common ECG finding may indicate serious cardiac problems
Heart electrical conduction abnormality believed not to be serious may pose cardiovascular risks
Notre Dame study describes evidence of world's oldest known granaries
Notre Dame study provides insights into how climate change might impact species' geographic ranges
Prairie dogs: influencing the accumulation of metals in plants?
Scientists block Ebola infection in cell-culture experiments
A new take on growth factor signaling in tamoxifen resistance
Longer life linked to specific foods in Mediterranean diet
Antibiotic prescribing should be standardized across Europe to help tackle resistance
Monitoring bone density in older women is unnecessary and potentially misleading
Disappearing dolphins clamour for attention at whale summit
Migraines with aura in midlife associated with increased prevalence of brain lesions in older age
Is 31P MRS a useful tool for evaluating early acute hepatic radiation injury?