Archive of articles published on the 21st of May 2009
Shire's INTUNIV (Guanfacine) extended release in children with ADHD and oppositional symptoms
Chlamydia that avoids diagnosis
2 studies: The first finds twins born after fertility treatment have a higher risk of problems
Regulating the sugar factory in diabetes
Using 'dominance' to explain dog behavior is old hat
Personal discrimination on the Web
Jungle yeast
NIST engineers discover fundamental flaw in transistor theory
Specialty care costs for patients with bipolar disorder are higher than diabetes and other chronic diseases
First of its kind study identifies risk factors for LRTIs in Inuit children
NIST helping improve speed measurements for cars, bullets
U of Minnesota research reveals critical role of evolutionary processes in species coexistence
Preventing ear infections in the future: Delivering vaccine through the skin
NIST defining the expanding world of cloud computing
NYU School of Medicine pathology researchers solve another mystery in B lymphocyte development
Mayo Clinic researchers examine the psychological impact of child abuse
LSUHSC research describes function of key protein in cancer spread
Study: Lower legal drinking age increases poor birth outcomes
K-State's fast laser research and theory building on Einsten's work by timing electrons emissions
Genetic testing for breast or ovarian cancer risk may be greatly underutilized
Scientists discover genetic defects linked with rare bearded lady
Gene therapy could expand stem cells' promise
Mockingbirds in fickle climates sing fancier tunes
'Happy hour' gene discovery suggests cancer drugs might treat alcoholism
When climate is iffy, birds sing a more elaborate tune
New stem cell research unlocks unknown therapies
Blood tests and better communication skills could cut over-prescribing of antibiotics
BPA, chemical used to make plastics, found to leach from polycarbonate drinking bottles into humans
'Missing link': Revealing fast-spinning pulsar mysteries
Back to basics: Scientists discover a fundamental mechanism for cell organization
The cosmos is green: Researchers catch nature in the act of 'recycling' a star
Viral epidemics poised to go mobile
Windy, wet and wild: Victoria Crater unveils more of Mars' geologic past
Groundbreaking 'reorganizational healing' model puts emphasis on self-awareness and personal will
Elderly women with 'dowager's hump' may be at higher risk of earlier death
Thieving whale caught on video gives rare clues about hunting strategy, sound production
Sleeping through dialysis: No nightmare for kidney patients
Automated analysis of MR images may identify early Alzheimer’s disease
Prevalence of variant CJD agent in Britain remains uncertain
Diabetics' heart attack risk can be reduced, research finds
Breast cancer etiology may vary by subtype
Key protein may explain the anti-aging and anti-cancer benefits of dietary restriction
Getting more from whole-transcript microarrays
Younger men with advanced prostate cancer have shorter survival times