Archive of articles published on the 13th of May 2009
Feeling cramped while shopping? Variety provides relief
DNA analysis reveals the prime stock of Indonesian cattle
Control of antibiotic-resistant bacteria in out-patient clinics and offices
Enriched environment improves wound healing in rats
Enriched environment improves wound healing in rats
NPs-NPR-B/pGC-cGMP signal pathway is involved in diabetic gastroparesis
Chronic diarrhea unresponsive to conventional medication: Are you taking lansoprazole?
A feasible, simple and convenient model for study of rectal carcinoma
Hyperferritinemia is another surrogate marker of advanced liver disease
p90RSK: A new therapeutic target for liver fibrosis?
Farnesoid X receptor regulates cystathionase
An amnesic patient with an extraordinary distorted memory
Breakthrough in the treatment of bacterial meningitis
Sprained ankle rehab complicated by delayed muscle response, BYU-Michigan study finds
Nursing homes save millions using care improvement program, MU researcher finds
Influenza pandemic planning needed to assure adequate care for pregnant women and newborns
Connections between diabetes and Alzheimer's disease explored
Engaged employees are good, but don't count on commitment
Scientists develop mathematical model to predict the immune response to influenza
New testing facility helps researchers improve land mine detection equipment
No longer afraid to be a bridesmaid or travel with the boss
Obituary photos suggest growing bias against aging faces
Vaccine slows progression of skeletal muscle disorder
Scripps research scientists discover molecular defect involved in hearing loss
Brain research shows past experience is invaluable for complex decision making
How learning shapes successful decision making in the human brain
miR-196a promotes the metastases of tumors
Golden rice an effective source of vitamin A
What do blood stem cells need to grow? Blood flow
WWF study says climate change could displace millions in Asia's Coral Triangle
MIT reels in RNA surprise with microbial ocean catch
Embryo's heartbeat drives blood stem cell formation
UCSB scientists document fate of huge oil slicks from seeps at coal oil point
Cold water ocean circulation doesn't work as expected
A Penn physics study: Of traffic jams, beach sands and the zero-temperature jamming transition
UCLA study shows traumatic brain injury haunts children for years
New research confirms milestone study on blood pressure meds
Cocaine-linked genes enhance behavioral effects of addiction
Cognition already seriously impaired in first episode of schizophrenia
Scientists document fate of oil slicks from natural seeps
Natural petroleum seeps release equivalent of eight to 80 Exxon Valdez oil spills
MIT’s implantable device offers continuous cancer monitoring
APS issues new guideline for low-back pain interventions, surgery
Study finds surprising new pathway for North Atlantic circulation
Novel therapy may prove effective in treatment of 30 percent of cancers
Immune exhaustion driven by antigen in chronic viral infection
Study shows chemotherapy improves survival among older breast cancer patients
New tool can help predict risk of Alzheimer's in elderly
University of Arizona research on scorpion antivenom published in NEJM
UCLA researchers develop new method for producing transparent conductors
New study urges new thinking over government widening participation policy
Ginseng -- nature's anti-inflammatory?