Archive of articles published on the 4th of March 2009
Incidental findings in trauma patients spark concerns for physicians
Computer-aided system effectively detects and measures pneumothoraces in chest trauma patients
MRI and PET/CT improve cervical cancer patient's chances for optimal treatment
Quantum paradox directly observed -- a milestone in quantum mechanics
New 'smart' homes for dementia sufferers
JCI online early table of contents: March 2, 2009
Male mice lacking the protein PICK1 mimic one cause of infertility in men
University of Kansas research finds human emotions hold sway over physical health worldwide
With genomes, bigger may really be better
Insecticidal toxin useless without 'friendly' bacteria accomplices
Coming undone: How stress unravels the brain's structure
Cellulosic biofuel technology will generate low-cost green fuel, says major study
Genetic study finds treasure trove of new lizards
Study offers clues to beating hearing loss
Prawnography shows captive bred prawns lack lust
Obsessive symptoms in childhood can multiply the probabilities of an obsessive compulsive disorder
Antibody key to treating variant CJD, scientists find
The truth behind 'Where's Waldo?'
The first virtual reality technology to let you see, hear, smell, taste and touch
Scatological clues lead to an intimate view
Is the Dead Sea dying?
UK black women have double the risk of pregnancy complications
What you see affects what you hear
'Information agents' for faster, better emergency response
Unclear regulations obstacle to biological diversity
70 percent of drug-addicted men admit they consume drugs to increase their sexual pleasure
A new soldier in the war on cancer: The blind mole rat
Hazardous conditions in the home health-care setting may put frail and elderly at risk
Mountain on Mars may answer big question
Politicians can use fear to manipulate the public
Older adults control emotions more easily than young adults
RNA research strategy for Europe takes shape
High blood pressure linked to earlier death among African-American breast cancer patients
Cats' eye diseases genetically linked to diseases in humans
Stem cells could halt osteoporosis, promote bone growth
Is one diet as good as another? U of I study says no and tells you why
Kidney disease increases the risk of stroke in patients
Mortality risk greater for elderly women who nap daily
MIT: 'Nanostitching' could strengthen airplane skins, more
Ben-Gurion University engineers develop technique to help combat nuclear proliferation
Innappropriate drug prescriptions wasting millions, raising health risks
Perceived barriers prevent Mexican-American students from pursuing education, MU researcher finds
Experts examine causes, treatment and prevention of glaucoma
Novel veterinary procedure detecting life-threatening injuries touted
Biomarkers detected for Chikungunya fever
Younger breast cancer patients have greater chance of recurrence
Teenagers do listen to their parents when it comes to smoking
Sonohysterography is an alternative diagnostic tool for women with adenomyosis
Northeastern University research shows pride's potential to foster individual success
Surviving lung cancer
200,000 rice mutants available worldwide for scientific investigation
Researchers find brain differences between believers and non-believers
Immune reaction to metal debris leads to early failure of joint implants
Cell phone studies: While walking or driving, cell phones increase traffic, pedestrian fatalities
Depression increases risk for heart disease more than genetics or environment
Patients with severe asthma benefit from antibody injection
Rituximab reduces kidney inflammation in patients with lupus
Immune cells from patients with rheumatoid arthritis have prematurely aged chromosomes
Summer burning may be option for pasture maintenance
Study finds injectable birth control causes significant weight gain and changes in body mass