Archive of articles published on the 17th of March 2009
Study shows moderate intensity walking means 100 steps per minute
Rabies infections highlight dangers of processing dog meat
Two cases of rabies in Vietnam after butchering and eating a dog or a cat
Study tracks increasing use of CT on pregnant women
Canberra parents lack allergy awareness: Study
Carbon sinks losing the battle with rising emissions
Medical costs for one premature baby could cover a dozen healthy births
Vigilant windows
UV light cuts spread of TB
UV lights decrease infectious TB in hospital room air
Emotions can help predict future eating disorders
Mood player creates the right atmosphere
Strict labor market regulation increases global unemployment, study shows
Synthesizing the most natural of all skin creams
4 of Saturn's moons parade by their parent
Brothers in arms
HPV vaccine may prevent preterm births
Studies show that nice guys finish first in business world
Love at first aria
How big (or small) is large?
1 in 4 Americans lacks timely access to optimal care during time-sensitive medical emergencies
Stevens faculty release study on free-space optical communication in Optics Express
New tumor markers determine therapy intensity
UK robot sub searches for signs of melting 60 km into an Antarctic ice shelf cavity
Big and small dents
Researchers clone key sperm-binding proteins
MRSA study suggests strategy shift needed to develop effective therapeutics
Obesity gene associated with susceptibility to polycystic ovary syndrome
Mighty diatoms: Global climate feedback from microscopic algae
New strategy to weaken traumatic memories
Slimmer, stickier nanorods give boost to 3-D computer chips
Fish health claims may cause more environmental harm than good: UBC-St. Michael's researchers
Financial security, more than money alone, may be key to happiness, Princeton study says
Engineer devises ways to improve gas mileage
Aspirin recommendation underscores need for physicians and patients to discuss benefits and risk
Study gives more proof that intelligence is largely inherited
Carnegie Mellon researchers apply new statistical test
Vitamin D may not be the answer to feeling SAD
GEN reports on Madoff scandal's impact on the life sciences
Brain abnormality found in boys with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder
Regulatory molecule for tumor formation or suppression identified by Singapore, US researchers
Contrary to widely held beliefs, romance can last in long-term relationships, say researchers
Lung cancer: Molecular scissors determine therapy effectiveness
Collagen injections can help some incontinence patients when surgery fails, researcher finds
New study on biethnicity in the workplace
Better by design: Engineering flu vaccines
EAU launches new clinical guidelines for 2009 -- kidney cancer
NASA researchers find clues to a secret of life
Female mammals follow their noses to the right mates
Grand prizes might help induce sports 'hot streaks'
Link between religious coping and aggressive treatment in terminally ill cancer patients
Drug being used to improve cognition affects dopamine, suggesting potential for abuse
Use of religious coping associated with receiving intensive medical care near death
OFC/NFOEC features breakthroughs in next-generation ethernet, metamaterials, networks
Goodbye needle, hello smoothie
Mechanism of Alzheimer's suggests combination therapy needed
MicroRNA undermines tumor suppression
Elephant shark genome sequence leads to discovery of color perception in deep-sea fish
Medication does not appear to reduce progression of atherosclerosis
U of I study: When a violent marriage ends, is co-parenting possible?
Fruit flies' response to wind offers new window to neural circuits
Early detection of second breast cancers halves women's risk of death
Animal families with the most diversity also have widest range of size
London murders: Stats theory shows numbers are predictable
New study shows that in horse play, adult-to-young ratio is key