Archive of articles published on the 7th of December 2009
Quitting smoking can reverse asthma-inducing changes in lungs
Urine test for pediatric obstructive sleep apnea possible
Military children face more emotional challenges as parental deployments grow longer, study finds
Munich lab demonstrates diesel truck engine with barely measurable emissions
Tiny RNA has big impact on lung cancer tumors
Drug shows positive responses, low side-effects in multiple myeloma
H1N1 more risky than seasonal flu in children with sickle cell disease
Study shows gene positions may aid cancer diagnosis
Studies investigate new trends and treatment options for sickle cell disease patients
Innovative strategies improve outcomes and prevent complications of stem cell transplants
New forest fire detection system prototype installed at Lake Tahoe
JAK2 inhibitor demonstrates effective, durable control of myelofibrosis
Drug shows promise for T315I-mutated chronic myeloid leukemia
Advances in diagnosing and treating leukemia and myeloproliferative disorders
Archaeological study of ostrich eggshell beads collected from SDG site
Controversial kidney transplant technique could provide lifeline for very ill patients
Delinquent boys at increased risk of premature death and disability by middle age
Microbes help mothers protect kids from allergies
Improving the odds
Brightness variations of sun-like stars: The mystery deepens
Study shows nearly 1/3 of human genome is involved in gingivitis
How to read brain activity?
Web searches for religious topics on the rise
New computer model could lead to safer stents
New screening tool helps identify children at risk
Milling and drilling in cyberspace
A virtual physician's conference
White, but not pure
Second-line CML drugs evoke faster response than front-line therapy
Mayo Clinic researchers prove key cancer theory
A see-through surprise
Type 2 diabetes gene predisposes children to obesity
Hunt for Higgs boson: Mass of top quark narrows search
Delivering medicine directly into a tumor
Cosmic rays hunted down
Deaths related to narcotic pain relievers have doubled since 1991: Study
Deaths from opioid use have doubled, 5-fold increase in oxycodone deaths
List of 'unsung' wildlife affected by climate change released
New understanding of how to prevent destruction of a tumor suppressor
Deaths related to narcotic pain relievers have doubled since 1991: Study
Fit teenage boys are smarter
Playing favorites: Parents still involved after children are grown
College football linemen take one for the team in terms of health
Metamaterials could reduce friction in nanomachines
December 2009 Lithosphere highlights
Caffeine doesn't reverse the negative cognitive impact of alcohol, study shows
West Nile virus infection may persist in kidneys years after initial infection
New hope for diagnosis and treatment of intractable pediatric brain tumors
Snowflake chemistry could give clues about ozone depletion
Genetic variations indicate risk of recurrence, secondary cancer among head and neck cancer patients
NRL's MISSE7 launched aboard STS-129
New approach to sickle-cell disease shows promise in mice
U of A's David Schindler confirms untold levels of oil sands pollution on the Athabasca
Facebook (and systems biologists) take note: Network analysis reveals true connections
With amino acid diet, mice improve after brain injury
New York autopsies show 2009 H1N1 influenza virus damages entire airway
In cancer-ridden rats, loneliness can kill
The thalamus, middleman of the brain, becomes a sensory conductor
Isolation and stress identified as contributing to breast cancer risk
New technology could boost disease detection tests' speed and sensitivity
Don't I know you? University of Toronto research sheds light on memorial retrieval
Getting a 'Head Start' on obesity prevention
Researchers demonstrate nanoscale X-ray imaging of bacterial cells
Lightning-produced radiation a potential health concern for air travelers
Dip ordinary paper into ink infused with nanotubes and nanowires to create an instant battery
Transcription factors guide differences in human and chimp brain function
Emotions an overlooked key to whistle-blowing, study says
Pitt study suggests craving hinders comprehension without your realizing it
Super cool atom thermometer
Air Force-funded research is shattering traditioinal notions of laser limits
Self-destructing bacteria improve renewable biofuel production
Study finds new relationship between gene duplication and alternative splicing in plants
HIV-related memory loss linked to Alzheimer's protein
Combination therapy with midostaurin improves survival of AML patients with FLT3 mutations, phase 1
Not all parents place their babies 'back to sleep,' Yale research finds
Brain scans show distinctive patterns in people with generalized anxiety disorder in Stanford study
Percentage of babies placed to sleep on their backs levels off
Young adults' blood lead levels linked to depression, panic disorder
Antidepressant may change personality while relieving symptoms
Study links factors to choice of infant sleep position
Childhood traumas linger as health risk factors for adults
Antiepileptic drugs not linked to suicide among those with bipolar disorder
Spices halt growth of breast stem cells, U-M study finds
New platinum compound shows promise in tumor cells
Higher risk for heart disease and diabetes associated with androgen deprivation therapy
The first portrait of a cool planet
Coffee consumption associated with reduced risk of advanced prostate cancer
Omega-3 fatty acids may reduce risk of colon cancer
Exercise reduces death rate in prostate cancer patients