Archive of articles published on the 29th of December 2009
Acupuncture reduces hot flashes, improves sex drive for breast cancer patients
Moving video to 'captcha' robot hackers
Arctic could face warmer and ice-free conditions
Researchers use new acoustic tools to study marine mammals and fish
Judge not lest ye be judged?
Gap exists between vision for EMRs to improve care coordination and clinicians' experiences
Pharmacists improve care of diabetics while cutting costs, UB research shows
New video reveals secrets of Webb Telescope's MIRI
Ginkgo biloba does not appear to slow rate of cognitive decline
Findings suggest cardiovascular devices often approved by FDA without high-quality studies
Rapid flu testing
The cancer 'TRAP'
JAMA launches new series on caring of the aging patient
Chlorophylls effective against aflatoxin
Use of telemedicine for ICU patients not linked with improvement in survival
Scripps research team develops technique to determine ethnic origin of stem cell lines