Archive of articles published on the 22nd of December 2009
Elevated-risk women refuse MRI breast cancer screening
Fungal footage fosters foresight into plant, animal disease
What is the function of the protein CD20?
The past matters to plants
UC Davis study: Ski runs are not created equal
New warbler discovered in Laos
MSU researchers creating model of HIV care for developing nations
Dental delight: Tooth of sea urchin shows formation of biominerals
Method makes refineries more efficient
Modern behavior of early humans found half-million years earlier than previously thought
ASU scientists improve chip memory by stacking cells
Enhanced sweet taste: This is your tongue on pot
System developed to detect plastic anti-personnel mines
Best go digital in a pandemic
We now know that the brain controls the formation of bone
Enzyme necessary for development of healthy immune system
Chicago Cancer Genome Project studies genetics of 1,000 tumors
Glitter-sized solar photovoltaics produce competitive results
Wild chimps have near human understanding of fire, says study by Iowa State's Pruetz
Good cholesterol not as protective in people with type 2 diabetes
More cardiac rehab reduces death for elderly heart patients
Brown dwarf pair mystifies astronomers
Disability may be on the rise again after 20-year decline
Researchers identify tuberculosis strain that thrives on antibiotic
Gene for devastating kidney disease discovered
Got taste?
Anemia drug not helpful for kidney disease patients
Hatchery-raised salmon too crowded
Teenagers use violence to boost their social standing
Fossil shelved for a century reworks carnivore family tree
MIT: Chemical energy influences tiny vibrations of red blood cell membranes
Climate debate: What's warming us up? Human activity or Mother Nature?
Poll finds 3/4 of parents who tried to get H1N1 vaccine for their children have gotten it
Up a little on the left ... now, over to the right ...
Police service faces unprecedented challenges amid global recession
Adding a genetic supertool
Study redefines placebo effect as part of effective treatment
Growing evidence suggests progesterone should be considered a treatment option for traumatic brain injuries
Chemistry makes the natural 'wonder fabric' -- wool -- more wonderful
Attention demands may explain why texting while driving is so dangerous
Canopy giants and miniature fungi among 250 new species discovered in Kew's 250th anniversary year
Kew botanists discover more than 250 new plant species in 250th anniversary year
Pot and pop: New research finds stronger link between music and marijuana use among teens
CT: The first-line imaging choice of physicians for the diagnosis of pulmonary embolism
New human reproductive hormone could lead to novel contraceptives
Volunteer program provides quality low-risk operative care to patients in need
How do you improve mammogram accuracy? Add noise
Is nicotinamide overload a trigger for type 2 diabetes?
Largest study of PGD children shows embryo biopsy is safe for singleton pregnancies
Surgery recognized as effective treatment
SPARKy devices helps amputees return to normal lives
Role of addiction cannot be ignored in obesity epidemic
How nurses can better support families of dying children
Spider web glue spins society toward new biobased adhesives
School classroom air may be more polluted with ultrafine particles than outdoor air
New study finds catch shares improve consistency, not health, of fisheries
Dispatcher-assisted bystander CPR best choice for possible cardiac arrest signs
Protein link may be key to new treatment for aggressive brain tumor
New compounds may control deadly fungal infections
New, virulent strain of MRSA poses renewed antibiotic resistance concerns
Poor face greater health burden than smokers or the obese
Housing growth near national parks may limit conservation value
How flu succeeds
Scientists take important step toward the proverbial fountain of youth
Mystery solved: Scientists now know how smallpox kills
U of A led team makes breakthrough demonstration of pH-regulating protein
Formation of the Gulf of Corinth rift, Greece
New insight in nerve cell communication
How to relieve the pain effectively after laparoscopic cholecystectomy?
Australian fossil unlocks secrets to the origin of whales
Physiologic factors linked to image quality of multidetector computed tomography scans
New direction for NATO must make alliance relevant in current security environment
Could acetaminophen ease psychological pain?
Nanoscale changes in collagen are a tipoff to bone health
Michigan State University study sheds light on microscopic flower petal ridges
Novel nanotechnology heals abscesses caused by resistant staph bacteria
Conservation areas threatened nationally by housing development
Scott & White Healthcare researcher finds success with new anti-cancer drug
Seeing how evolutionary mechanisms yield biological diversity
Ultrasound-guided cortisone injections may help treat severe hip pain
High risk of colorectal, endometrial and Lynch syndrome cancers for MSH6 mutation carriers
Disproportionate effects of global warming and pollution on disadvantaged communities
Routine screening for postnatal depression not cost effective
High-blood-pressure treatment for the over-80s too aggressive, warns expert
The number of 85-year-olds will increase by a third by 2020
Adverse consequences of obesity may be greater than previously thought
Man-made carbon dioxide affects ocean acoustics