Archive of articles published on the 16th of December 2009
Thermochemical nanolithography now allows multiple chemicals on a chip
UF researcher helps reveal ancient origins of modern opossum
Researchers discover novel method for detecting MIRCERA
Carrier screening associated with decrease in incidence of cystic fibrosis
Inside the dark heart of the Eagle
DNA of Jesus-era shrouded man in Jerusalem reveals earliest case of leprosy
Marking of tissue-specific crucial in embryonic stem cells to ensure proper function
Lost water of the Napa Valley vineyards
Looking for the heartbeat of cellular networks
How do we understand written language?
Even at sublethal levels, pesticides may slow the recovery of wild salmon populations
NSAIDs: Take 'em early and often when competing? Think again
Diet high in methionine could increase risk of Alzheimer's
Bacteria wouldn't opt for a swine flu shot
Heart drugs show promise for fighting colon cancer
Argonne scientists use bacteria to power simple machines
Prayer on the hospital floor
Food aromas could become new weapon in battle of the bulge
How erosion formed the Earth-like landscape on Titan, Saturn's moon
Ancient algae provide insights into Earth's response to global warming
TGen analysis identifies biomarkers for diabetic kidney failure
World's rarest gorilla ready for its close-up
Toward home-brewed electricity with 'personalized solar energy'
New study links DHA type of omega-3 to better nervous-system function
Scientists use cell phone records to predict spread of malaria
Scientists use DNA sequencing to attack lung cancer
Astronomers find world with thick, inhospitable atmosphere and an icy heart
Lung cancer and melanoma laid bare
Caltech scientists film photons with electrons
Astronomers find super-Earth using amateur, off-the-shelf technology
Study: Earth's polar ice sheets vulnerable to even moderate global warming
Behavior modification could ease concerns about nanoparticles
Toward reading your own personal 'Book of Life'
Stem-cell activators switch function, repress mature cells
Soap opera in the marsh: Coots foil nest invaders, reject impostors
Warming climate chills Sonoran Desert's spring flowers
Researchers take the inside route to halt bleeding
Fault weaknesses, the center cannot hold for some geologic faults
Michelangelos make smart lovers
Researchers discover new 'golden ratios' for female facial beauty
Learning styles debunked
Tropical Cyclone Laurence menaces Northern Australia
Aggressive infection control protects cancer patients from acquiring H1N1 influenza
New Web tool may help predict risk of second stroke
U-M study reveals lack of diversity in embryonic stem cell lines
Critical communication for caregivers
Pre-eruption earthquakes offer clues to volcano forecasters
Santa should get off his sleigh and walk, says public health doctor
Should flowers be banned in hospitals?
New England Journal of Medicine publishes CWRU review of the 'molecular basis of colorectal cancer'
Zoning the ocean may help endangered whales to recover
More effort needed to crack down on 'secret remedies'
Better education associated with improved asthma