Archive of articles published on the 10th of December 2009
Study highlights lack of patient knowledge regarding hospital medications
Electromagnetic fields as cutting tools
Old hay and Alpine ibex horns reveal how grasslands respond to climate change
Abundance of a look-alike species clouds population status of a million dollar fish
Formula to detect an author's literary 'fingerprint'
5,000 deaths: A catastrophic, regrettable decision in Belgium
Members of the European Parliament discuss achieving heart health in Europe
Behavioral training improves connectivity and function in the brain
Instruction repairs brain connectivity in poor readers
Safer space vehicles thanks to optic fiber sensors
Surgical quality program is a strong tool for assessing outcomes for high-risk procedures
DNA sheds new light on horse evolution
First known binary star is discovered to be a triplet, quadruplet, quintuplet, sextuplet system
Story tips from the Department of Energy's Oak Ridge National Laboratory -- December 2009
From fruit fly wings to heart failure -- why Not(ch)?
Understanding ocean climate
Physical education teaching staff play key role in making you like sport
Breakthrough in monitoring tropical deforestation announced in Copenhagen
Late-breaking brain and behavior research presented at ACNP annual meeting this week
Pathological gambling may be successfully treated with medications for substance addiction
Irregular arm swing may point to Parkinson's disease
Jefferson neurosurgeon helps draft new treatment guidelines for brain metastases
Hebrew University, American researchers show 'trigger' to stem cell differentiation
Suzaku catches retreat of a black hole's disk
First phase of pan-tropical forest mapping debuting at COP15
Introns: A mystery renewed
Absorbing hydrogen fluoride gas to enhance crystal growth
Sea level is rising along US Atlantic coast, say Penn environmental scientists
A novel, 10,000-year study of strata compaction and sea-level rise on English coast
Study reveals H1N1 unexpected weakness
Synthetic protein mimics structure, function of metalloprotein in nature
Alcohol consumption may increase breast cancer recurrence risk
Alcohol consumption increases risk of breast cancer recurrence
Potential new heart attack biomarker uncovered
Extended youthfulness as a prevention for Alzheimer's disease
U-M researchers discover a way to strengthen proteins
Delaying the aging process protects against Alzheimer's disease
Obesity linked with poorer breast cancer outcomes
Brainstorming works best in less specialized efforts, says Management Insights study
Student self-testing earns high marks as study tool
University of Alberta researchers develop drug interface to save lives
Successful stem cell therapy for treatment of eye disease
Ovaries must suppress their inner male
Amount of gene surplus determines severity of mental retardation in males
Drug kills cells through novel mechanism
Reaching the summit of protein dynamics
New model of skin cancer provides insights on second-most common type of cancer
Personalities judged by physical appearance alone
Newly discovered mechanism by which blood clots form
New ethical questions are being raised in stem cell research
The battle of the sexes
Flies like us: They can act like addicts, too
Hourly employees happier than salaried
Finding the Achilles' heel of cancer
Cassini closes in on the centuries-old mystery of Saturn's moon Iapetus
Primitive dinosaur species found in New Mexico
Early carnivorous dinosaurs crossed continents
New meat-eating dinosaur alters evolutionary tree
New biological route for swine flu to human infections
Earth's atmosphere came from outer space, find scientists
Tiny molecule slows progression of Lou Gehrig's disease in mice
Cyclone Cleo back down to tropical storm status
Argonne scientists to control attractive force for nanoelectromechanical systems
'Fighting' IED attacks with SCARE technology
New approach to emissions makes climate and air quality models more accurate, major study finds
Mechanism discovered by which body's cells encourage tuberculosis infection
Canna can: Ornamental eliminates pollutants from stormwater runoff
Texting, tweeting ought to be viewed as GR8 teaching tools, scholar says
UCLA researchers engineer bacteria to turn carbon dioxide into liquid fuel
Princeton scientists find way to catalog all that goes wrong in a cancer cell
Killer catfish? Venomous species surprisingly common, study finds
Vermicompost from pig manure grows healthy hibiscus
Experts: Disease-resistant plants enhance profits, client satisfaction
The need for cardio-oncology: Treating cancer and protecting the heart
Dark side of a Saturnian moon: Iapetus is coated with foreign dust
Scientists observe super-massive black holes using Keck Observatory in Hawaii
Climate projections underestimate CO2 impact
MRI detects breast cancer at earlier stage
New science estimates carbon storage potential of US lands
Kidney disease patients benefit from surgery to prevent stroke
More 20 mph zones in London would prevent 100 killed or seriously injured casualties each year