Archive of articles published on the 24th of November 2009
New tool for helping pediatric heart surgery
Children unaffected by smoking ban consequences
Evaluating eHealth: How to make evaluation more methodologically robust
Road rage
Why circumcision reduces HIV risk
Control of blood clotting by platelets described; provides medical promise
New study finds MRSA on the rise in hospital outpatients
Metobolomics uncovers key indicators of nonalcoholic fatty liver disease
Alarming trend -- antiviral therapy to treat hepatitis C is declining in the US
It's time for a 'third wave' of malaria activism to tackle drug shortages
Psychotropic medications associated with risk of falls in older adults
Genome-wide association studies in developing countries raise important new ethical issues
Exposure to both traffic, indoor pollutants puts some kids at higher risk for asthma later
Fish food fight: Fish don't eat trees after all, says new study
Polyphenols and polyunsaturated fatty acids boost the birth of new neurons
Molecule discovered that makes obese people develop diabetes
Gene increases effectiveness of drugs used to fight cancer and allows reduction in dosage
Intelligence inside metal components
'Too fat to be a princess?' UCF study shows young girls worry about body image
High unexpressed anger in MS patients linked to nervous system damage, not disease severity
It can be predicted the reaction obese patients will have to a diet
Strategic management theory offers fresh take on the economic crisis
New device enables early detection of cancerous skin tumors -- Ben Gurion U.
Involving family in medical rounds benefits both family and medical team
Researchers establish common seasonal pattern among bacterial communities in Arctic rivers
Organizational psychologists use Rock Band to study how people achieve flow while at work
Discovery leads to effective treatment of painful skin condition
Rocket science leads to new whale discovery
A coating for life
Report shows dramatic decline in Siberian tigers
A sticky solution for identifying effective probiotics
Oceans absorbing carbon dioxide more slowly, Yale scientist finds
First black holes may have incubated in giant, starlike cocoons, says CU-Boulder study
Children's Hospital Oakland scientists discover soy component may be key to fighting colon cancer
Atomic-level snapshot catches protein motor in action
Female breadwinners bring home the bacon and tension
Protein from pregnancy hormone may prevent breast cancer
Reduced skin infections in Northern Australian Aboriginal children
Physical therapists reduce disability and improve function in single-level microdiskectomy patients
Early protein processes crucial to formation and layering of myelin membrane
Global study of salmon shows: 'Sustainable' food isn't so sustainable
CO2 emissions continue significant climb
Chronic pain found to increase risk of falls in older adults
Severe and chronic pain in multiple areas associated with increased risk of falls in older adults
University of Minnesota researchers develop virtual streams to help restore real ones
Plasma levels of GGT and ALB and their genetic correlations with cardiovascular risk factors
High vs. low hospital volume for angioplasty finds little difference in death rates
Tobacco smoke exposure before heart transplantation may increase the risk of transplant failure
Statement on the politicization of evidence-based clinical research
Tulane University surgeon pioneers 'scarless' thyroid surgery
Study shows flavanol antioxidant content of US chocolate and cocoa-containing products
Most top medical journals have conflict of interest policies available for public review
IV drug treatment for out-of-hospital cardiac arrest may not improve long-term survival
High salt intake directly linked to stroke and cardiovascular disease
Got a pain? -- Have a cup of Brazilian mint
Opposites attract: Monkeys choose mating partners with different genes
Biology, training and profit sharing make best traders
Drug users know their stuff
America's increasing food waste is laying waste to the environment
Eye floaters and flashes of light linked to retinal tear, detachment
Montana State University study explores violent world of raptors