Archive of articles published on the 15th of November 2009
Today's children decide their school and career path early
Heart and bone damage from low vitamin D tied to declines in sex hormones
Young athletes need dual screening tests for heart defects, study suggests
Postmortem genetic tests after sudden death may provide less expensive way to identify risk
Warmer means windier on world's biggest lake
MIT scientists pinpoint origin of dissolved arsenic in Bangladesh drinking water
Researchers find potential treatment for Huntington's disease
NIST demonstrates 'universal' programmable quantum processor
Largest gene study of childhood IBD identifies 5 new genes
Study finds mixed results comparing two surgical strategies for infant heart defect
Early cooling in cardiac arrest may improve survival
Protein changes in heart strengthen link between Alzheimer's disease and chronic heart failure
Elevated biomarkers lead to diminished quality of life in heart attack patients post-discharge
Continuous chest compression-CPR improved cardiac arrest survival in Arizona
Tiny particles can deliver antioxidant enzyme to injured heart cells
Tiny bubbles clean oil from water