Archive of articles published on the 12th of November 2009
Faulty body clock may make kids bipolar
Behavior modification could ease concerns about nanoparticles
New explanation for nature's hardiest life form
ESA spacecraft may help unravel cosmic mystery
UT Knoxville and ORNL researchers turn algae into high-temperature hydrogen source
Pushing light beyond its known limits
Sweet as can be: How E. coli gets ahead
Too much selenium can increase your cholesterol
A glimpse at the Earth's crust deep below the Atlantic
Researchers discover mechanism of insulin production that can lead to better treatment for diabetes
How much water does the ocean have?
Fertility procedures need not delay breast cancer treatment for younger women
The narrow line between love and jealousy
New water management tool may help ease effects of drought
No-entry zones for AIDS virus
Faithful mothers have healthier babies
Ida now a coastal low assaulting the Mid-Atlantic
Record high temperatures far outpace record lows across US
Consumption of certain fish during pregnancy associated with poorer cognitive performance
Mechanical ventilation for patients with lung damage don't always work as planned
African-Americans with colorectal cancer have poorer outcomes, lower survival rates
Hoping for a fluorescent basket case
In touch with molecules
To make memories, new neurons must erase older ones
New nano color sorters from Molecular Foundry
Coffee break: Compound brewing new research in colon, breast cancer
CSHL team solves structure of NMDA receptor unit that could be drug target for neurological diseases
Shape of things to come: Structure of HIV coat could lead to new drugs, says Pitt team
Study finds many people with hemianopia have difficulty detecting pedestrians while driving, advocates for individual testing
Research reveals lipids' unexpected role in triggering death of brain cells
Dopamine enhances expectation of pleasure in humans
Vacationing in Thailand over Greece? That's the dopamine talking
Alberta's hidden valleys offer both resources and danger
Teens' mental health affects how long they stay in school, new study shows
Playing sport up to the end of pregnancy is healthy for the baby and the mother
Surgeon 'gluing' the breastbone together after open-heart surgery
California Academy of Sciences becomes first aquarium in US to breed dwarf cuttlefish
Greenland ice cap melting faster than ever
2 Earth-sized bodies with oxygen rich atmospheres found -- but they're stars not planets
More pain means real gain in complex regional pain syndrome treatment
Penn study provides first clear idea of how rare bone disease progresses
Rethinking sexism: A daughter-father team examines how society maintains the status quo
Harvard nutrition expert offers family physician group no-cost alternative to funding from Coca-Cola
Invisibility visualized: German team unveils new software for rendering cloaked objects
Cornell researchers identify a weak link in cancer cell armor
Record highs far outpace record lows across US
New paper describes connections between Circadian and metabolic systems
People entering their 60s may have more disabilities today than in prior generations
Nanotech in space: Rensselaer experiment to weather the trials of orbit
Doctors' tests often miss high blood pressure in kids with kidney disease
Quarter of a million children in England at risk of skin cancer from sunbeds
Gene knockout may cheer up mice
New insights into the physiology of cockroaches
New insights into the physiology of cockroaches
New insights into the physiology of cockroaches